
repo for final group project in programming III

Primary LanguageC++

Welcome to the ciss243Final wiki!

This is our repo for the Final project. Using this will simplify the process of working together. It will also make it easier to distribute the workload and track who did what. Using a repository allows us to track changes and roll back to any of the commits if something goes wrong.

We probably wont use this much till after week 4, but it is a good idea to get familiar with it now. After signing up for a github account and installing the github for windows program, open the program and sign in with your github account info. Then fork the final project repo. This copies it to your github. Then you want to clone the repository. This stores a copy of the files to your computer.

Once we start working on the code in week 4, any changes made will need to be committed. (Visual Studio will have to be closed before committing changes. Bug with using Visual Studio.) This saves the changes in the program so changes can be viewed and rolled back if needed. Then when your part is finished & working, sync it with the master branch. This pushes your changes to the code on the server. Then we will get into pull requests afterwards.

Rule of thumb: Commit as often as you should save. Sync at the end of the day.

Your commit title should start w/ the feature id number in square brackets, from the pivotal tracker. ie. commit: [#34562093] added initial project to base project from

We will add features / tasks as "Issues" and assign them to the person that is to develop that code. Once the code is complete and that feature works we will close that issue.

Mid-Term Project:

Students will work as a team to develop an Algorithm Design for the final project (A grocery store inventory system) which will include:
-A complete program flowchart
-Design Algorithm including the data structure for storage of information
-Prototype Screen Shots  Students will be required to present their design to the project stakeholder (the professor) for a "Design Review" of their proposed design.  Note the only accepted format for these deliverables will be in the Microsoft Office formats or PDFs, nothing else will be accepted.  Additionally, make sure you are not thinking about what technology you will use to complete the assignement, you should only be focused on the design at this point, NO CODE SHOULD BE WRITTEN BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW is completed. Students should pick a "Project Lead" who will delegate and coordinate tasks. The project lead should not do all the work, if he/she does it should be documented. Each student should track their efforts. The project lead will provide efforts assessment to the stakeholder every week. Deadline: Sep 16, 2012 11:59 PM

Final Project:

Based on the design algorithm completed for mid-term, including the feedback from the "Peer Review" students team will develop a Grocery Store Inventory System. It should only be completed using techniques presented in this course. The Project Lead will provide the stake holder with a weekly progress report via email. Deadline: Oct 6, 2012 11:59 PM