
a reporter for node-tap

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


Reporters for node-tap

An ink-based reporter for use with tap version 13 and higher.

Built-in Report Types


The default, and the class to extend to create new reporters. Does all the things, handles all the edge cases, and ends with a pleasant surprise.


A lot like Base, but says a lot less. No timer, no list of tests concurrently running, nothing printed on test passing. Just the failures and the terse summary.


A spec style reporter with the current running jobs and Terse summary and footer.


You can extend this by creating a module whose main module.exports is a child class that extends the treport.Base class (which in turn extends React.Component).

const React = require('react')
const {Base} = require('treport')
class MyTreportBasedTapReporter extends Base {
  // my stuff...
module.exports = MyTreportBasedTapReporter

To use your module as the test reporter, you'd do this:

npm install -D my-treport-based-tap-reporter
tap --reporter=my-treport-based-tap-reporter

Tap will require() that module, see it's a React.Component, and use it with ink.

Your child class will get its constructor() called with {tap:tap}, which is the root tap object for the test runner.

It can override the render() method, or anything else. In most cases, you will likely want to override just part of the class, or one of the tags used for the layout, but the sky is the limit. A child class could also modify the data being tracked, but leave the tags untouched.

The following methods describe each of the class methods that can be overridden.


The main rendering entry point, as is the React custom. The Base class returns:

<Box flexDirection="column">
  <this.Log log={this.state.log} />
  <this.Runs runs={this.state.runs} />
  { this.state.results ? (
        tests={this.state.tests} />
    : '' }
    time={time} />

One of the easiest ways to change the look and feel of the test reporter is to swap out these components.

get Log()

A getter function that returns the React component for the "log" section. This section gets failure/todo/skip results pushed into it, as well as the final pass/fail/todo/skip result for tests when they complete. Typically, it should use a <Static> tag, since this will often get much longer than the height of the terminal window, and you want to be able to see the results.

See state.log below for more info.

get Runs()

  • runs Array of Test objects

A getter function that returns the React component for the "runs" section. this.state.runs is a list of the tests currently in progress.

get Summary()

This is a section that shows when the test run is fully completed. It shows a pretty banner with rainbows, along with any tests that failed, or are marked as skip or todo.

get Footer()

This is a section that shows the count of test suites (ie, processes) queued and completed, a count of assertions completed, and a timer so you can see how long the test is running for.

State Properties

The reporter keeps the following state properties up to date as the test proceeds:


Array of log objects. Each is one of the following types:

  • { raw: <String> } just a plain old string.
  • { res: {ok, name, diag, todo, skip, testName} } A test point
  • { test: [Test Object] } A test that has completed


All tests are added to this array. In the event of a bailout, everything other than the bailing-out test is removed, so that the Summary output isn't cluttered up with a bunch of spurious failures.


Array of tests currently running. (When not running in parallel mode, this is always a single item.)


The tap.results object at the end of the test run.


Counts of all assertions run in all tests. {total, pass, fail, skip, todo}

In order to avoid overwhelming the display, updates to assertion counts are debounced so that they are not updated more than once every 50ms.


Just like assertCounts, but for test suites, and not debounced.


Total elapsed time in ms since the test run started.


When a bailout occurs, this is set to the bailout reason, or true if no reason is given.


The Date.now() when the test run started.


Updated on each test assertion. Matched to this.state.assertCounts at most once every 50ms.


The constructor receives tap as an argument, initializes state, and assigns appropriate event handlers to keep state up to date. Then, the this.tapResume(tap) method is called to resume and discard the TAP output from the test harness, since the reporter gets everything it needs from the events and child test objects.


Override to prevent the tap object from being resumed when calling the Base constructor.

get time()

Called to get the current running time.

bailout(bailout, test = null)

Called when a test bails out. If test is set to null, then that means that the root Tap test is bailing out independently of any child test. (This is unusual.)


Called on each assertion to increment this.assertCounts and this.state.assertCounts.


Called whenever a new test is added to the queue (but before it has started running).


Called when a test starts.


Called when a test ends.


Called when the main all tests are done and the tap test runner completes.

logRes(test, res)

Called when a fail/todo/skip result is emitted from a test, and pushes it onto the log.

onRaw(test, fd)

Returns a handler to take all the non-TAP data from a child test, so that it can be printed to the log with a helpful prefix. In the Base test class, this prefixes with the name of the test and the file descriptor printed to.

So, for example, a test named test/foo.js would have its stderr output prefixed with test/foo.js 2> ... and its stdout output prefixed with test/foo.js 1> ....