A variety of documents detailing the deployment of specific walkthrough projects used in the Code Institute educational courses and other general web applications.

Code Institute Deployment Docs

A series of walkthroughs for the various projects completed with Code Institute. Navigate via the next page button at the bottom of the page and the contents menu on the left.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑Walkthrough Projects

Project Framework Tech Stack
📝 I Think Therefore I Blog Django Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

🧑‍🎓Personal Projects

{% hint style="warning" %} Project numbers are guidelines only. You must refer to your assessment guidelines for the framework and tech stack required for your project. {% endhint %}

Framework Portfolio # Milestone # Tech Stack
Django 4, 5 4 Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Flask N/A 3 Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Python mock terminal 3 N/A Python

⤵️Migrating from Heroku

Framework Portfolio # Milestone # Tech Stack
Django 4, 5 4 Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Flask N/A 3 Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Python Essentials 3 N/A Python

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Installing GitHub repositories

{% hint style="warning" %} :bangbang:Troubleshooting tips for deployment on Render {% endhint %}


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