
Export all models as .stl

mihai-stanimir opened this issue · 4 comments

FusionSheeter can export models for all sizes as .step files and not .stl. OctoFusion does export as .stl behind the scenes. Could this feature be brought to FusionSheeter?

Ideally the option would iterate through all sizes and export .stl files for each body.

Hello, sorry for the delay. I just saw this. FYI I just added this capability. I hadmeant to add it a long time ago. Thanks for the reminder!

I noticed the export to .stl was disabled because it was crashing. I enabled it and made this code change in FusionSheeterExportCommands from line 32 and it works now:

            export_name = folder + output_name + export_extensions[i]
            export_name = dup_check(export_name)
            if 'stl' in export_extensions[i]:
                export_options = export_functions[i](design.rootComponent, export_name)
                export_options.isOneFilePerBody = True
                export_options.meshRefinement = adsk.fusion.MeshRefinementSettings.MeshRefinementMedium
                export_options.sendToPrintUtility = False
                export_options = export_functions[i](export_name)

Feel free to add this piece to the your repo.