
Primary LanguageRuby

Welcome to RRRoomba

Main files



Make sure that the tests pass

$ ruby -Itest test/unit/roomba_simulation.rb
$ ruby -Itest test/unit/roomba_serial_simulation.rb

Jump in console and give the basic simulation a shot.

$ rails c
:001 > x = RoombaSimulation.new
:002 > x.move(100)
:003 > x.move(0,120)
:004 > x.move(1000)

You should end up with a bump reading at N:90, X:126 Y:89 The "Y" might vary due to incremental error, just like in real life. :) X:126 is the center point of Simulated Roomba. Add the radius of Roomba + the radius of the obstacle and it should be the same as the distance between X:126 and the default simulated obstacle.