
A lightweight and powerful git branch viewer for vim.

Primary LanguageVim script


Flog is a lightweight and powerful git branch viewer that integrates with fugitive.

flog in action


Using Plug, add Plug 'rbong/vim-flog' to your .vimrc. See :help plug-example for more information. You must also install fugitive. If you do not use plug, see your plugin manager of choice's documentation.

Using Flog

Open the commit graph with :Flog or :Flogsplit. Many options can be passed in, complete with <Tab> completion.

Preview commits once you've opened Flog using <CR>. Jump between commits with <C-N> and <C-P>.

Refresh the graph with u. Toggle viewing all branches with a. Toggle bisect mode with gb. Toggle displaying no merges with gm. Quit with ZZ.

If you forget these bindings, press g? at any time to get help.

Run :Git commands in a split next to the graph using :Floggit!. Command line completion is provided to do any git command with the commits and refs under the cursor.

Getting Help

If you have questions, requests, or bugs, see the issue tracker and :help flog.

Please see fugitive for help with Fugitive commands. See git log --help for any problems specific to git log.


Before contributing please see CONTRIBUTING.md.