
OpenVPN profiles management service

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

VPN management service

VPN Management Service is a lightweight solution for managing OpenVPN profiles. It's designed with simplicity in mind, aiming to provide a user-friendly way to perform CRUD operations on profiles without the need for external dependencies.

This Java-based application (version 18 or higher) features a built-in HTTP server and keeps all its code in a single file for easier maintenance. Want to update the server-side code? Simply edit the script file and run it without compiling!

For those who'd rather not install Java, the code can be compiled into a native executable using GraalVM.

Getting Started

  1. Install OpenVPN
  • easyrsa must be installed and used for key/cert management
  • vars with default profile parameters must be specified
  1. Install and run VPNMan - follow the installation guide
  2. Go to specified during the installation http://server:port/
  3. If you are using the default UI you will see:
  • Welcome page image
  • Invalid secret image
  • Profiles page image
  1. Actions
  • Type your secret and press Go
  • Retry if secret is not correct
  • Type new profile name and press Create new
  • Press Update all to recreate all non-revoked profiles (should be performed if some profiles were already issued\revoked before VPNMan)
  • For each row
    • Download - the direct link to the profile. Do not require secret to proceed
    • Revoke - revoke certificates and delete profile. Couldn't be undone.
  1. Secret
  • This service does not provide any authentication and the only security gate to profile management is secret
  • Secret is the string, that become part of profiles API URL
  • You can specify your own secret as a parameter or use random UUID
  • Secret will be printed to the output during the startup
  • Keep it safe and do not forget to change it periodically


You can launch the application with the following command:

java VPNMan.java <parameters>

General parameters

This type of parameters does not require value.

Parameter Description
--help Prints help message. All other parameters will be ignored
--api Prints HTTP API in OpenAPI v3 format
--default-template Prints default client profile tempate. You can specify your own template with --template parameter
--dry-run Development mode: some checks will be ignored. No actual easyrsa call will be performed


VPN management parameters:

Parameter Optional Description
--easyrsa=<easyrsa_dir> false Path to EasyRSA installation dir
--output=<output_dir> true Path to dir for client profiles. <easyrsa>/client_profiles is default
--template=<template_path> true Path to client profile template
--vpnurl=<vpnserver_url> true IP/DN to VPN server. Required if --template is not specified
--vpnport=<vpnserver_port> true VPN server port. Required if --template is not specified
--ca=<ca.crt path> true VPN server ca.crt file. Required if --template is not specified
--tlsauth=<.tlsauth path> true VPN server tlsauth file. Required if --template is not specified

You should specify path to template file or set parameters for default one. Template should contain:

  • ${KEY} - placeholder for client key (<key>${KEY}</key>)
  • ${CERT} - placeholder for client cert (<cert>${CERT}</cert>)

If you don't have your own template you can skip --template parameter but in this case you must specify:

  • vpnurl
  • vpnport
  • ca
  • tlsauth

Server parameters:

Parameter Optional Description
--url true IP/DN on which server will be started. is default
--port true Port for service API. 8666 is default
--context true Secret context for managing profiles API. Random UUID if not specified
--static true Path to dir with static content with UI. webapp is default

App does not provide any authorization. Profile management secured by setting '--context' parameter. This secret will be used in '/${secret}/profiles' path.

App allows direct VPN client profile download by direct link without sharing a secret. So you can share this link to profile owner.

If static dir will be empty after start, app will automatically download default UI from this repository.

Systemd service

To manage service start/stop/restart behaviour it's easier to create system.d service. Here is an example:

Description=VPN Manager

ExecStart=/usr/bin/java /opt/vpnman/VPNMan.java --config=/etc/default/vpnman.properties


How it works

Create profile

  1. Service calls easyrsa binary to generate client key and cert with specified name
./easyrsa build-client-full ${name} nopass
  1. Service replaces placeholders ${KEY} and ${CERT} in client profile template
  • Key from ${easyRSADir}/pki/private/${name}.key
  • Cert from ${easyRSADir}/pki/issued/${name}.crt
  1. Service calculates hash from client profile content
  2. Service stores client profile in output directory with name ${hash}_-_${name}.ovpn

Revoke profile

  1. Service calls easyrsa with profile name to revoke keys
./easyrsa revoke ${name}
  1. Service removes client profile template from output directory

Update all profiles

  1. Service removes all client profiles from output directory
  2. Service parses index.txt provided by easyrsa and recreates client profiles from non-revoked certs

Web interface

  1. All web interface static files should be placed in the directory specified by the --static parameter.
  2. If no such parameter will be specified or specified directory will be empty VPNMan will download default UI from GitHub.
  3. Web interface is built using vanilla JS and mincss


Please note that while this project does not use external libraries and provides a number of standard functions such as directory emptiness check, object-to-JSON serialization, JSON-to-object deserialization, MIME type detection for serving files, etc., these implementations are simplified and limited to the project's needs.

For example, the JSON-to-object implementation doesn't support nested objects with depth more than 1, and zero-level arrays aren't supported. The implementation is suitable for parsing JSON structures such as

{"name": "John Doe", "age": 30, "hobbies": ["Reading", "Running"], "address": {"city": "New York", "country": "USA"}}

But it won't work for arrays like [1,2,3,4] or nested objects like


Also, keep in mind that the project doesn't currently support logging or backups, and all output is directed to System.out.


Feel free to dive in!