
react and api

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Overview

Project Description

Dad Jokes an app built for a laugh using React and an API


Upload images of wireframe to cloudinary and add the link here with a description of the specific wireframe.


  • Find and use external api
  • Render data on page
  • Navigation to routes
  • Random joke
  • Search for joke


  • Allow user to choose favorites
  • Save their choices in firebase
  • Add user auth

React Component Hierarchy

App > Header > Nav

App > Search > JokesList > JokeItem

App > RandomJoke

App > Footer

State Components


Functional Components

Search, JokesList, JokeItem, RandomJoke, Header, Nav, Footer

Component Description
Header This will render the header include the nav
Nav This will render the nav
Search This will render the search input text and button
JokesList This will render the list of jokes returned from search
JokeItem This will render the joke item in the list
RandomJoke This will render the random joke with button to randomize joke
Footer This will render the footer include the link to github and api
Component Priority Estimated Time Time Invetsted Actual Time
Set up app H .5hrs .5hrs .5hrs
Random H 2hrs 2.5hrs 2.5hrs
Search Form H 3hrs 3.5hrs 2.5hrs
Footer and Header H 3hrs 3.5hrs 1.5hrs
React Router H 2hrs 1.5hrs 1.5hrs
Style H 2hrs 2.5hrs 2.5hrs
Total H 12.5hrs 14hrs 11hrs

Helper Functions

Function Description
Footer This component could be use in playground projects

Additional Libraries

icanhazdadjoke API

Code Snippet

All state for app is contained in App.js

this.state = {
	randomJoke: '',
	jokes: [],
	term: ''

Issues and Resolutions

Use this section to list of all major issues encountered and their resolution.

ERROR: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
RESOLUTION: https://daveceddia.com/unexpected-token-in-json-at-position-0/

Sent request with header to accept json data

randomAPI() {
    let api = 'https://icanhazdadjoke.com/'
        headers: {
          'Accept': 'application/json',
          'User-Agent': ' My Library (https://github.com/tara-fenton/dad-jokes)'
    ).then(response => response.json())
      .then(json => {
        this.setState({ randomJoke: json.joke })
      }).catch(e => console.log(e))

logic setting up button events testing events

logic setting up search events testing search events