
What's That? in React Native

Primary LanguageJavaScript


an app that let's you take a picture and it says out loud what is in the image

Steps to Install

react-native init WhatsThat

  • npm install

  • npm install react-navigation --save

  • npm install react-native-camera --save

  • npm install react-native-elements --save

  • npm install react-native-vector-icons --save

  • npm install react-native-fetch-blob --save

  • npm install clarifai --save

  • npm install react-native-speech --save

  • npm install react-native-splash-screen@3.0.6 --save

  • npm install native-base --save

  • react-native link


Next, you need to drag the RCTCameraRoll.xcodeproj in your project folder to Xcode. Here is a simple diagram on where to find this file.

Drag the RCTCameraRoll.xcodeproj file to the libraries file in Xcode and then click on Build Phases on the top right-hand corner in Xcode. Click the drop down of Link Binary With Libraries, then the + sign to add the libRCTCameraRoll.a.

Add libRCTCameraRoll.a to WhatsThatTest as well

In Xcode FileFinder on project in General tab,
Bundle Identifier : com.tarafenton (your name)
Signing select personal team.
Deployment Info : Deployment Target iOS 11.3
Targets: WhatsThatTest - Signing select personal team.

Press Play to build

Noun Project - Icons
Sergey Demuskin camera flip
mikicon question mark
Allison Iven cancel

To see backlog of creation look at this repo https://git.generalassemb.ly/tara-fenton/shoTel in experiments/camera-6/camera



