
SQL code for querying first- and last-touch attributions

From Codecademy's Data Science Learning Path

Project Assignment: Marketing Attribution

CoolTShirts, an innovative apparel shop, is running a bunch of marketing campaigns to increase website visits and purchases. Using touch attribution, they’d like to map their customers’ journey: from initial visit to purchase.

In this project, you’ll be helping them answer these questions about their campaigns:

  • How many campaigns and sources does CoolTShirts use and how are they related? Be sure to explain the difference between utm_campaign and utm_source. What pages are on their website?

  • What is the user journey?

    • How many first touches is each campaign responsible for?
    • How many last touches is each campaign responsible for?
    • How many visitors make a purchase?
    • How many last touches on the purchase page is each campaign responsible for?
    • What is the typical user journey?
  • CoolTShirts can re-invest in 5 campaigns. Which should they pick and why?

The dataset contains one SQL table, page_visits. Within the table, there are 5 columns:

  • user_id - unique identifier for each visitor to a page
  • timestamp - time at which the visitor came to the page
  • page_name - title of the section of the page that was visited
  • utm_source - which site sent the traffic (i.e., google, newsletter, or facebook_ad)
  • utm_campaign - the specific ad or email blast (i.e., interview-with-cool-tshirts-founder)