**libswitch is nodeJS native addon C++ library to provide the runtime switches which can be turn on/off by publishing the configuration from a central repositor without application restart.
It supports two publishing method.
- AUTO : Timer based auto publish the configuation based nextRefreshTime configured in "switch-config.xml" in the remote repository.
- PUSH : Publish new configuraton using activeMQ.
During the startup, libswitch sets the front and back buffer of shared memory and spawns a separate message broker process which is responsible for download new switch config, parse and write in shared memory in intelligent manner.
Here are the some of the features supported.
- Supports PULL and PUSH method to publish configuration.
- Publish switches configuration instantly to all the applications.
- Supports PUSH/PULL to specific set of servers based upon regex.
- Very flexible XML format
- Efficient datastructures to store and perform switch enable/disable check.
- Auto-recovery from any typo mistake in configuration.
- Supports boolean, long, string, regex, longArray, stringArray, regexArray, longFile, stringFile and regexFile.
- Apache ActiveMQ : (Only for PUSH method)message broker to send recieve JMS messages for configuration refresh. You can download and install Apache ActiveMQ from http://activemq.apache.org/download.html
- Remote repository : http/https end point to store and provide switch configuration xml.
- All the flavors of *nix platforms.
- nodeJS version v0.10.18 or higher
- 32-bit and 64-bit.
- Prerequisites:
- Python 2.7 (not v3.x), used by node-gyp
- C++ Compiler toolchain (GCC, Visual Studio or similar)
- Download and install APR from http://apr.apache.org/download.cgi if already not installed .
- Download and install PCRE from http://www.pcre.org/ if already not installed.
- Download and install libcurl from http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/ if already not installed.
- Download and install expat from http://expat.sourceforge.net/ if already not installed.
node test/test.js
NodeJS API :
* initializes the libswitch library.
initialize("./conf/libswitch.conf", function(error) { };
* returns true/false if switchValue/switchName exists in a give module.
var isSwitchEnabled(var moduleName, var switchName, var switchValue);
If you want to implement switch feature in c/c++ application (other then nodeJS), simply build the stand-alone C libswitch library (static) simply run ( this will build libswitch.so in current directory /tmp/libswitch) :
# build
wget https://nodejs.org/dist/v0.10.18/node-v0.10.18.tar.gz
tar -zxvf node-v0.10.18.tar.gz
node-gyp rebuild --nodedir=./node-v0.10.18
# test
node test/test.js
To link libswitch.a in your c/c++ application, add following line in your source-code :
#include "libswitch_conf_ext.h"
and link statically with
-L./ -lswitch
APIs :
* initializes the libswitch library.
int libswitch_initializeLibSwitch(const char* configFile);
* returns true/false if switchValue/switchName exists in a give module.
int libswitch_isSwitchEnabled(const char* moduleName, const char* switchName, const char* switchValue);
- Setup a remote repository
- Select any remote repository ie git, svn, alfresco
- Create a name-space directory : name must be same as specified namespace tag in config-core.xml
- Create a test.txt in the directory created in step 2) and add "hello" to test.txt
- Verify that test.txt is accessible using wget from target machine
- wget http(s)://{remote-repository}/{name-space-directory}/test.txt
- Copy switch-config.xml from /tmp/libswitch/conf/switch-config.xml to name-space directory in remote repository
PULL METHOD: Auto publish
- Goto name-space directory in remote repostory
- Add new switch in switch-config.xml, update "nextRefreshServerRegex"
with matching regex of selected servers and "nextRefreshTime" attribute in following format
- ddd mmm dd HH:MM:ss yyyy
- Example:Mon Jan 13 00:49:00 2014
- check-in.
Build activeMQ refresh command line utility
cd /tmp/libswitch
make switch_command
To run refresh command ( to publish new switch configuration):
./sc -n <namespace> -c <config-file> [-a <action, default:Refresh>]
- host:port ActiveMQ host and JMS port
- username: ActiveMQ connection username
- password: ActiveMQ connection password
- namespace: Remote namespace which you want to refresh
The distribution contains a sample file called libswitch.conf under conf/ directory and this file contains all the following startup configuration.
# Main Configuration
LIBSWITCH_SystemInfo "Libswitch test app"
# This is the config file to specify runtime switches service
LIBSWITCH_HomeDir ./conf
LIBSWITCH_ConfigCoreFile config-core.xml
LIBSWITCH_LogFile startup.log
LIBSWITCH_SystemInfo Short application description.
Specify description string.
LIBSWITCH_HomeDir Home directory to hold libswitch configuration and logs files.
Specify description string.
LIBSWITCH_ConfigCoreFile boot strap configuration
Specify autoRefresh, activeMQ and remote repository location configuration.
LIBSWITCH_LogFile log file to record startup information.
Log file is generated upon startup and refresh and records information whats loaded in shared memory.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config-core namespace="myapp-switches"> <!-- namespace is unique string -->
<sheapMapFile>/configcore.shm</sheapMapFile> <!-- shared memory segment name -->
<sheapPageSize>200000</sheapPageSize> <!-- shared memory segment size, enought to hold 300 redirects -->
<databaseFile>/realm.db3</databaseFile> <!-- local in-memory sqlite DB -->
<!-- PULL mechanism where module automatically download {namespace}/switch-config.xml from remote repository -->
<!-- you can comment this block if using PUSH mechanism -->
<enableAutoRefresh>true</enableAutoRefresh><!-- enable auto refresh -->
<autoRefreshWaitSeconds>20</autoRefreshWaitSeconds><!-- no. of seconds to wait until nextRefreshTime check -->
<!-- end of PULL settings -->
<!-- PUSH mechanism using activeMQ, you can comment this block if using PULL mechanism -->
<messageBroker><!-- activeMQ configuration -->
<host></host> <!-- specify your activeMQ host here -->
<!-- end of PUSH settings -->
<resourceService><!-- remote repository location to download new switches in xml format -->
<timeoutSeconds>5</timeoutSeconds> <!-- download timeout -->
<service id="SWITCH-CONFIG" name="switchConfig">
<param name="config-xml">switch-config.xml</param>
There are basic configuration to arrange the configuration on remote repository:
- namespace this is the directory on remote repository speicified in resourceService/uri to hold switches configuration switch-config.xml.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<switch-config nextRefreshTime="$$ddd mmm dd HH:MM:ss yyyy$$" nextRefreshServerRegex="$$servers-hostname-regex$$"><!-- Example Mon Jan 13 00:49:00 2014 -->
<module id="$$module1$$">
<switch name="$$switch-name11$$" type="$$boolean|long|string|regex$$">$$value$$</switch>
<switch name="$$switch-name12$$" type="$$boolean|long|string|regex$$">$$value$$</switch>
. . .
<switch name="$$switch-array-name11$$" type="$$longArray|stringArray|regexArray$$">$$comma-separated-values$$</switch>
<switch name="$$switch-array-name12$$" type="$$longArray|stringArray|regexArray$$">$$comma-separated-values$$</switch>
. . .
<switch name="$$switch-files-name11$$" type="$$longFile|stringFile|regexFile$$">$$file-containing-values-one-per-line$$</switch>
<switch name="$$switch-files-name12$$" type="$$longFile|stringFile|regexFile$$">$$file-containing-values-one-per-line$$</switch>
. . .
<module id="$$module2$$">
<switch name="$$switch-name21$$" type="$$boolean|long|string|regex$$">$$value$$</switch>
<switch name="$$switch-name22$$" type="$$boolean|long|string|regex$$">$$value$$</switch>
. . .
<switch name="$$switch-array-name21$$" type="$$longArray|stringArray|regexArray$$">$$comma-separated-values$$</switch>
<switch name="$$switch-array-name22$$" type="$$longArray|stringArray|regexArray$$">$$comma-separated-values$$</switch>
. . .
<switch name="$$switch-files-name21$$" type="$$longFile|stringFile|regexFile$$">$$file-containing-values-one-per-line$$</switch>
<switch name="$$switch-files-name21$$" type="$$longFile|stringFile|regexFile$$">$$file-containing-values-one-per-line$$</switch>
. . .
. . .
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<switch-config nextRefreshTime="Thu Apr 17 06:48:11 2014" nextRefreshServerRegex="sbkcomwebp07|sbkcomwebp08">
<module id="module-1">
<switch name="enableUuidCheck" type="boolean">on</switch>
<switch name="productID" type="long">1234</switch>
<switch name="uuid" type="string">dj_chandt</switch>
<switch name="uuidRegex" type="regex">dj_(.*)</switch>
<switch name="productIds" type="longArray">5,4,2,3,1,0</switch>
<switch name="uuids" type="stringArray">u4,u2,u3,u1,u5,u6</switch>
<switch name="uuidsRegex" type="regexArray">^a,^b,^c,^d,^e,^5</switch>
<switch name="productIdFile" type="longFile">pids.txt</switch>
<switch name="uuidFile" type="stringFile">uuids.txt</switch>
<switch name="uuidRegexFile" type="regexFile">uuid-regexes.txt</switch>
<!--module id="module-2">
<switch name="switch1">on</switch>
<switch name="switch2">on</switch>
<module id="module-3">
<switch name="switch1">off</switch>
<switch name="switch2">off</switch>
var http = require('http');
var switches = require('libswitch');
switches.initialize("./conf/libswitch.conf", function(error){
if(error!=null) {
} else {
console.log('successfully initialized');
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
var isEnabled = switches.isSwitchEnabled("module-1","uuid","dj_chandt");
res.end('module-1/uuid/dj_chand is set to ' + isEnabled);
}).listen(1337, '');
console.log('Server running at');
More documentation to be followed:
- Source hosted at GitHub
- Report issues, questions, feature requests on GitHub Issues
Log file path
- Refresh log - libswitch/logs/refresh.log
- Startup log - libswitch/startup.log
Issues - Unable to create shared memory
- Resolution - clear the shared memory using following command
for shmid in `ipcs -a | awk '{if ($9==0) print $2}'`; do ipcrm -m $shmid; done
- Run "ipcs -a" and check for column name NATTACH and update column number in above command.
[Tara chand Verma]