
vACCBiH sector/ese files for Euroscope (LQSB FIR)

vACCBiH sector/ese files for Euroscope


Caution! These files are only usable with Euroscope and are no longer compatible with VRC!

For VRC use this version.

v. 1302

Global changes

  • Changed coordinates for waypoints TIMID and NORPI in accordance with AIRAC 1302 and NOTAMs A2668/12 and A0085/13
  • Slightly adjusted coordinates for KEB, KIS VORs to match published navdata
  • Added waypoints: ADNAN, EMKES. Remember to display them via your clients "Display Settings"

LQSA changes

  • All newly published LQSA star diagrams can now be displayed on radar for reference. Tracks are combined where applicable to mimize screen clutter. Check your Display Settings > Stars to enable disable the STAR tracks. Please note that the approach tracks are also depicted as STARS, as the sct file format does not separately support approaches.
  • Added the new ILS S approach and its transitions as a radar diagram (under the STARS section). Please study the chart carefully, as this is perhaps the most important addition of this update, contaning the transitions from the new IAF fixes ADNAN, EMKES, NORPI and TIMID where the new STARs terminate to the localizer 12.
  • All LQSA STAR tracks can now be assigned to pilots via dropdown menu. Interim waypoints in STARs can now be displayed along the route of tagged a/c and used for time prediction, coordination and directs.
  • List of the new LQSA STARs as implemented in the new sector file: BOSN1N, NORP1L, SARA1L, KEB1P, VRAN1M, GILU1P, GILU1L, MOST1L, MOST1P. Easy mnemonics for the new STARs: all "L" STARS terminate at TIMID, all "P" STARs terminate at ADNAN, all "N" STARs terminate at NORPI, all "M" STARs terminate at EMKES

v. 1211

Global changes

  • Added navaids: KOS NDB

LQBK (Banja Luka) changes

  • New GEO region: "LQBK Stands" to enable or disable the display of the parking positions in LQBK (Display Settings > GEO).
  • Added hold short lines on A and B matching current scenery. Revamped LQBK ground can be seen here
  • added parking position designators for all stands that can be shown or hidden individually (Display Options > Freetext)
  • added taxiway designators, that can be displayed through the Display Options > Freetext dialog
  • added rwy designators and TORA values (Display Options > Freetext)
  • SIDS are completely rewokred: all SID tracks can now be displayed on radar (Display Settings > Sids), can be assigned via dropdown menu, all designators and tracks are up-to-date with current airac. Interim waypoints in SIDs can now be displayed along the route of tagged a/c and used for time prediction, coordination and directs. Screenshot of LQBK TMA with all SIDs displayed: here.
  • Added all arrival routes (STAR) to BLK NDB from TEBLI, KOMAR (OMA), DER, BOSNA. STAR tracks can now be displayed on radar (Display Settings > STARS), can be assigned via dropdown menu, all designators and tracks are up-to-date with current airac. Interim waypoints in STARs can now be displayed along the route of tagged a/c and used for time prediction, coordination and directs.
  • Added the tracks for the ILS Z approach (via LU). This track is defined as STAR and can be hidden or displayed via Display Options > Stars. Picture of all SIDs, STARs and ILS app track here
  • ATC position information updated and converted to ES format. 4 visibility centers are now associated and automatically activated upon login for both LQBK positions (APP, TWR). Required minimum vis ranges to match the preset centers: APP: 99 nm; TWR: 35 nm
  • Default sector ownership logic changed to assign LQBK sectors to LQSA_APP in case Sarajevo Radar is online and there are no LQBK stations connected. This is to make it easier to implement our idea of covering all BiH airports procedurally from LQSA_APP when no other stations are connected. This behaviour can be overriden manually in ES via the Active Airport selector window and the Sector ownership menu.

v. 1210

Global changes

  • GEO area is now divided into sub-areas that can be displayed or hidden individually (Display Settings > GEO). Previously all GEO could only be displayed or hidden at once. The new GEO areas are as follows: LQSA Ground, LQSA Major Stands, LQSA Minor Stands, LQSA MSA Sectors, LQBK Ground, LQMO Ground, LQMO Stands
  • Renamed ARTCC and ARTCC High Areas to more human-readable names (Display options > ARTCC boundary, ARTCC high boundary to enable). The FIRs affected and their new names are: LDZO FIR, LYBA FIR, LQSB FIR, LQSB TMAs, PRISHTINA FIR/UIR
  • Renamed ARTCC Low Areas to more human-readable names (Display options > ARTCC low boundary to enable). The zones affected and their new names are: LQSA Control Zone, LQMO Control Zone, LQBK Control Zone, LQBK CTA
  • Removed navaids: TUZ VOR

LQSA (Sarajevo) changes

  • LQSA_GND position now has its own dedicated mini "sector" in ES. This allows the position to be associated with LQSA airport and the airport will be marked as active and latest metar loaded upon logging as GND. Just like TWR and APP. You can see how it looks on this picture.
  • The track of the ILS Y 12 approach and Timid holding is no longer defined as GEO. It is now a STAR and can be optionally displayed or hidden (Display Options > Stars). Also you can choose the line style, color and thickness via the Symbology options. It could look for example like this.
  • Added the tracks for all instrument LQSA approaches (ILS Y, NDB Y (same track), ILS Z, NDB Z(same track), Rudar Visual). These tracks are defined as STARs and can be hidden or displayed via Display Options > Stars
  • LQSA Minimum Radar Altitude (MRA) values are no longer defined as fixes, they are now freetext (Display Options > Freetext) and can be enabled/disabled as a group or individually
  • Taxiway A redrawn with a correct turn and shape towards 30 threshold to match latest AFCAD
  • Added the second hold short line (cat II ILS) on A for LQSA
  • Added stand 11D
  • Stand markings for all major stands or minor stands can be optionally displayed or hidden independent on the ground layout (Display Options > GEO > LQSA Minor Stands, LQSA Major Stands)
  • The taxiway letters are now displayed ON the taxiways and not next to them
  • Adjusted the shape of the final segment of the KEB 18 DME Arc to now longer deviate from the extended runway centerline
  • Changed the preset visiblity centers of LQSA_APP position. Please increase vis range for that position to at least 99nm to achieve the desired result. With the new vis settings you'll have vis of more than 150 nm around LQSA, including all other BiH airfields
  • minor adjustements to LQSA station data

LQMO (Mostar) changes

  • Completely new redrawn LQMO ground to match latest AFCAD and scenery by Dragomir Andonovic. You can see a comparison between the old default ground (blue) and the raw version of the new ground (green) here. Final version of new LQMO ground can be seen here
  • Added stand positions for Apron 1 and Apron 2, matching the AFCAD
  • Added hold short lines on twys A, C, D, E, F, matching latest AFCAD
  • added parking position designators for all stands on aprons 1 and 2 that can be shown or hidden individually (Display Options > Freetext)
  • added taxiway designators, that can be displayed through the Display Options > Freetext dialog
  • added rwy designators and TORA values (Display Options > Freetext)
  • SIDS are completely rewokred: all SID tracks can now be displayed on radar (Display Settings > Sids), can be assigned via dropdown menu, all designators and tracks are up-to-date with current airac. Interim waypoints in SIDs can now be displayed along the route of tagged a/c and used for time prediction, coordination and directs. Screenshot of LQMO TMA with all 1A SIDS displayed: here. Another screenshot of LQMO TMA with all 1B SIDS displayed: click here.
  • Added the tracks for both instrument LQMO approaches (VOR A, NDB A). These tracks are defined as STARs and can be hidden or displayed via Display Options > Stars. Picture of the VOR app track here
  • 4 visibility centers are now associated and automatically activated upon login for both LQMO positions (APP, TWR). Required minimum vis ranges to match the preset centers: APP: 99 nm; TWR: 35 nm;
  • Default sector ownership logic changed to assign LQMO sectors to LQSA_APP in case Sarajevo Radar is online and there are no LQMO stations connected. This is to make it easier to implement our idea of covering all BiH airports procedurally from LQSA_APP when no other stations are connected. This behaviour can be overriden manually in ES via the Active Airport selector window and the Sector ownership menu.

v. 1208

  • fully optimized for Euroscope, removed all entries only required by VRC; modified existing entries to be able to use more ES advanced features.
  • LQSA SIDS/STARS are completely rewokred: tracks can now be displayed on radar (Display Settings > Sids), can be assigned via dropdown menu, all designators are updated to current airac. Interim waypoints in SIDs can now be displayed along the route of tagged a/c and used for time prediction, coordination and directs.
  • Completely reworked runways section. Runways for different airports can be displayed or hidden individually (Display Settings) and also assigned correctly via the Active Airport / Runway Selector dialog.
  • Reworked positions information for all LQSA stations and Zagreb Radar. More detailed info will be visible in the tags of the tracked aircraft. Improved identifiers.
  • 4 visibility centers are now associated and automatically activated upon login for all LQSA positions (APP, TWR, GND). Required minimum vis ranges to match the preset centers: APP: 99 nm; TWR: 35 nm; GND: 10 nm. Approximate visibility radius around LQSA with these settings is: GND: 18nm, TWR: 60nm, APP: 150nm. Vis centers can always be overriden in ES.
  • adjusted accurate sq ranges for all BiH airports
  • when logging on any LQSA station and selecting the airport as active, LQSA Metar will automatically be loaded in your list of metars (no need to press F2 and add it manually in the start of the session)
  • changed colour of LQSA radar minimums areas to teal to avoid overlapping with the extened centerline and vectoring grid
  • removed waypoints/navaids: SAR VOR
  • added waypoints/navaids: OMA VOR
  • removed all airports and runways outside BiH
  • removed procedures: STAR:LQSA:12:VINCE + all procedures outside BiH
  • adjusted magnetic variation and lat/long scaling grid of the entire sector to match current values
  • removed from ESE file: all CTR/TMA info which is not relevant for BiH traffic: Budapest, Vienna, Ljubljana, Milano, Brindisi, Pula, Rijeka, Zadar, Brac (this only affects tracking, handoffs and coordination)

LQSA Ground Layout changes:

  • completely reworked parking positions: all major and minor stands are drawn on their exact positions, matching latest scenery by Dragomir Andonovic. Major stands are yellow, minor stands are red.
  • added parking position designators for all major and minor stands that can be shown or hidden individually (Display Options > Freetext)
  • moved taxiways B and C to their proper position and adjusted their shapes. They now match exactly latest scenery by Dragomir Andonovic.
  • apron redrawn and extended to the NW to match the RL layout and the latest scenery
  • added hold short lines for A, B, and C, matching latest scenery
  • added taxiway designators, that can be displayed through the Display Options > Freetext dialog
  • added rwy designators and TORA values (Display Options > Freetext)


Upgrading from version 1208

Replace your local sct and ese files with the files from this package:

  • LQSB.sct
  • LQSB.ese

Go through your Euroscope > Display Options to enable/disable new features

Upgrading from version 0904

Remove the following files:

  • LQSBV1.4.POF
  • LQSB_0904.ese
  • LQSB_0904.rwy
  • LQSB_0904.sct

Replace with the files from this package:

  • LQSB.sct
  • LQSB.ese

Now you can open the new LQSB sector file in your Euroscope.

Remember: You can always adjust which elements you wan to see and also colours and sizes from your Symbology Settings in ES. Some features are useful for newbie ATCs and not needed for advanced controllers, and sometimes it's the opposite. Choose according to your taste and needs.

With Euroscope you DON'T NEED pof files and a new rwy file will be automatically generated based on the new sector file.

NOTE: Because of the new sector file, you'll need to reconfigure your ES display options and re-create your Radar display views (asr files). This is a one-time only operation when upgrading from v. 0904 and you won't need to do it again for later versions.