A dark, pink-and-green-ish VS Code color theme extension.


A quick preview

How to use:

  1. (easiest) search "火龙果"/ "dragon fruit" in vscode extension, and install, and enjoy coding with cute colors!
  2. open marketplace link and install.

helpful resources

Inspired by fluffy dark theme and woody theme.

a video tutorial

how to publish extensions

a color palatte

a color palatte generator

color blind friendly

updates in version 2.0.0:

fix to increase contrast and readability:

  1. changed selected word highlight color (in editor.wordHighlightBorder and editor.wordHighlightBackground)
  2. changed python logical operator color (in keyword.operator.logical.python.foreground)
  3. changed the finder background (in editor.findMatchHighlightBackground)
  4. changed the comment color and font
  5. changed transparency in hover file list
  6. changed editor.background and other 11 black color, from #121212 to #212121

updates version 2.1.3(because I like this number):

color blind friendly changes, comment color, tab highlight, storage.type.