
Vacation app helps users plan trip based on weather. This analysis was done using Google Maps and Open Weather Map API Keys.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

World Weather Analysis


PlanMyTrip app is an online agency for the hospitality industry which allows customers to plan their vacation and find hotels based on their preferrences.
After extracting current weather data and Google maps using API keys, maps were created based on customer inputs.

Folder 1 - Weather_Database

Weather_database.ipynb - code used to generate coordinates, cities and pull a request using the Open Weather Map API key to extract current weather and description.
weatherPy_database.csv - all data compiled and converted to a CSV file.

Folder 2 - Vacation_Search

Vacation_Search.ipynb - code to take user input when selecting the preferred weather for vacation. Based on their selection, they can pull up potential travel destinations.
WeatherPy_vacation.csv - data complied and converted to a CSV file.
WeatherPy_vacation_map.png - image of the map with markers to populate details; city, country, hotel name and current weather description.

Vacation_Itinerary.ipynb - code used to filter and select 4 cities within specific country. Using the Directions API, we were able to call on the route between each city, driving being the method of travel.
WeatherPy_travel_map.png - map of the 4 cities and the route.
weatheryPy_travel_map_markers.png - map of 4 cities and the hotels available within each city. Pop markers included to populate; city, country, hotel name and current weather description.