
Twitter Web Application to view and download the tweets in given file format.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

rtCamp Twitter Assignment

Live Demo : http://rt-camp.herokuapp.com/

  • Login using your twitter account
  • Pulls tweets from your feed
  • Search for friends and their tweets
  • Download option for CSV and XLS file formats

Project setup

|_ _ _ _ css
|	     |_ _ _style.css
|_ _ _ _ lib
|        |_ _ _ twitteroauth
|               |_ _ _ OAuth.php
|               |_ _ _ twitteroauth.php
|        |_ _ _ excel.php
|_ _ _ _ download
|		 |_ _ _ export.csv
|		 |_ _ _ export.xls
|_ _ _ _ js
|        |_ _ _ script.js
|        |_ _ _ strings.js
|        |_ _ _ Tweet.js
|        |_ _ _ TweetUI.js
|_ _ _ _ tests
|        |_ _ _ app
|               |_ _ _ controllers
|				       |_ _ _ core 
|				       		  |_ _ _ web
|				       		  		 |_ _ _ PagesTest.php
|_ _ _ _images
|		|_ _ _loading.gif
|		|_ _ _login-twitter.png
|_ _ _ _clearsession.php
|_ _ _ _ composer.json
|_ _ _ _ config.php
|_ _ _ _ generate_tweets_csv.php
|_ _ _ _ generate_tweets_xls.php
|_ _ _ _ get_tweets.php
|_ _ _ _ home.php
|_ _ _ _ index.php
|_ _ _ _ login.php
|_ _ _ _ redirect.php
|_ _ _ _ tweet_operations.php
|_ _ _ _ README.md
|_ _ _ _ .gitignore

Creating your app

Create your own app on https://apps.twitter.com/

Now replace the consumer key and secret from you app to the following config.php file:

define('CONSUMER_KEY', 'Your Consumer Key');
define('CONSUMER_SECRET', 'Your Consumer Secret');
define('OAUTH_CALLBACK', 'Your callback url');

PHPunit test

Create a composer.json file in your project directory and edit as follows:

	"require" : {
		"phpunit/phpunit": "^4.8"

Now from commandline run composer require phpunit/phpunit and let it install phpunit and its dependencies.

Third party libraries

  1. Twitter API -https://dev.twitter.com/overview/documentation
  2. Foundation CSS -http://foundation.zurb.com/sites/docs/
  3. Modernizer JS -https://modernizr.com/docs
  4. jQuery -https://api.jquery.com/
  5. Bootstrap -http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/
  6. PHPExcel -https://phpexcel.codeplex.com/


Tarang Dave ###Github Profile