
A collection of some important/tricky/easy/common/frequently used snippets in various languages


This is a collection of some important/tricky/easy/common/frequently used snippets in various languages.

What problem does it solves?

Many times, I need to bookmark some link(and then later on search), or save a StackOverflow answer or look into some codebase. I realized this can be created as a repo, mainly because of the two reasons

  • Sometimes the time spent to figure out a way to do a particular thing is actually more than the time involved in implementing it.

  • I do not maintain any documentation of how I approached a problem(sometimes tricky) in the past.

This repository now acts as a central place for all the codebase that I keep on writing so that future lookups become easy.

Why a repo?

Since the code is already taken from public sources, and various Github repositories, I figured that a repository in the open (Github public repository) will actually act as a gratitude to all the various sources that I have taken help from. Plus it benefits other, who are looking to solve a particular problem.

Table of Contents