

Tyler Pham (tpham127@calpoly.edu)
Venkata G. Ande (vande@calpoly.edu)
Dionne Gregorio (Drgregor@calpoly.edu)
Taran Singh (tsingh33@calpoly.edu)


This project will develop an API for a movie watchlist platform where users can add movies they want to watch later. The platform provides metrics on the added movies such as the title, director, year of release, genre, and user ratings etc. With this, users would be able to create accounts that allow them to save movies they watched, create comments, rate movies, and receive personalized recommendations for different movies to watch based off their history. Some additional features we plan to include: recommendations for users to other users that share a similar interest to form interest groups, lists of the most popular films organized by genre or combination of genres within specific time frames, and predicting the performance of upcoming films to recommend to specific interest groups of users for viewing in the future.