Bundle to single Lua file with content of bundle as big Lua table with next semantic:
is_entry: Boolean,
body: String(content of file),
mime: String(mime-type of file),
npm i -s @tarantool.io/lua-bundler-webpack-plugin
- output bundle path in your build directory.
- namespace of your module. You should place your files under namespace in your build for exclude clash of namespacing with other modules.
- regExp for using some js files as entry. It's used by @tarantool-front/core
rocks as entry files.
- path to tarantool. By default we assume that you need install tarantool and it's accessible in your $PATH. We use some built-in modules in our packer.
plugins: [
new LuaBundlePlugin({bundleName: 'customBundleName.lua', namespace: 'cluster', entryRegExp: /main.+js$/})
bundleName = 'bundle.lua'
namespace = ''
entryRegExp = /main.+js$/
lua = 'tarantool'
DEBUG='lua-bundler' npm run build