
Migration framework from Tarantool 1.5 to 1.6

Primary LanguageLua

migrate - a Tarantool rock for migration from Tarantool 1.5 to 1.10+

Getting Started


Tarantool 1.10.0+ with header files:

* tarantool && tarantool-dev packages on Ubuntu/Debian
* tarantool && tarantool-devel package on Fedora/Centos
* tarantool package on Mac OS X if you are using Homebrew

If building with LuaRocks:

* libsmall && libsmall-dev/devel
* msgpuck-dev/devel


Clone the repository with submodules and build it using CMake:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/tarantool/migrate.git
cd migrate && cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
make install

You can also use LuaRocks:

luarocks install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tarantool/migrate/master/migrate-scm-1.rockspec

See TarantoolRocks for LuaRocks configuration details.


Run tests using ctest:

$ ctest
Test project <path>/xlog
    Start 1: snap_test
1/3 Test #1: snap_test ........................   Passed    0.05 sec
    Start 2: xlog_test
2/3 Test #2: xlog_test ........................   Passed    0.09 sec
    Start 3: xdir_test
3/3 Test #3: xdir_test ........................   Passed    0.02 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 3

Total Test time (real) =   0.15 sec


		wal_mode = 'none',
		logger = 'tarantool.log'

	local s = box.schema.create_space('test_256', { if_not_exists = true })
	local i = s:create_index('primary', {
		type = 'TREE',
		parts = {1, 'STR'},
		if_not_exists = true

	local migrate = require('migrate')

	local toolkit = migrate.reader({
		dir = {
			xlog = 'xlog' -- path to dir with xlogs
			snap = 'snap' -- path to dir with snapshots
		spaces = {
			-- space id to look in snapshots/xlogs
			[0] = {
				new_id = s.name,
				index = {
					new_id = i.name,
					parts = {1}
				fields = {'str', 'num', 'num'},
				default = 'str'

	-- Load all available tuples/rows from snapshots/xlogs

	-- Do something to let the service know it works with the new Tarantool
	-- ...

	-- Load the rest of rows from xlogs

	-- box.snapshot() -- save snapshot

	-- Now your Tarantool is ready to go!

API for reader

local migrate = require('migrate')

<table> reader_object = migrate.reader(cfg)

Create a migration object. This function returns the new migration object.

Configuration is a table object that consists of:

  • dir = {xlog = 'xlog_dir', snap = 'snap_dir'} or dir = 'xlog_snap_dir'. Required field.
  • spaces - table with space definition, described later. Required field.
  • throw - boolean value that indicates whether to ignore error conversion or not. Errors happen if you cannot insert/delete/update or if you said that some field must be a number but its size is not 4 nor 8. Error messages are logged. true by default.
  • commit - use box.begin()/box.commit() before and after batch processing. true by default.
  • batch_count - count of tuples/rows to read from disk, parse, and process at a time. 500 by default.
  • return_type - type of objects to convert tuples to. Can be 'table' or 'tuple' (default). Use 'table' if you want to modify tuples and then push them into Tarantool (this way is slower).

spaces is a table that associates old space number and table with definitions:

  • new_id - string or number with space name/number.
  • index - index definition table that includes:
    • new_id - new primary index name/number (string or number),
    • parts - table of key positions in primary index.
  • fields - table of key types ({'str'/'num', ..}).
  • default - default field type ('str'/'num') if it is not defined in fields.
  • insert - custom insert function function(tuple, flags). If not defined, a function that inserts a tuple into a space with new_id.
  • delete - custom delete function function(key, flags). If not defined, a function that deletes a tuple with a key from a space with new_id.
  • update - custom update function function(key, ops, flags. If not defined, a function that executes update with operations ops in a space with new_id on a tuple with PK key.

<number> processed = reader_object:resume()

Resume loading of xlogs/snapshots. It uses a mechanism similar to that of Tarantool 1.5 to find all snapshots and xlogs necessary to load:

  • When you run this method for the first time - it loads the last snapshot and xlogs.
  • When you run this method next time and subsequently - it loads only the xlogs that contain rows with LSN greater than the last processed.

See Also