Plugin that implements Tarantool support in IntelliJ Platform-based IDEs.
Plugin relies on DataGrip plugin functionality, which only present in Ultimate editions of IDEs, it cannot be used with Community Edition IDEs.
IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, CLion, PhpStorm, WebStorm, RubyMine, AppCode, DataGrip, GoLand, Rider, Cursive, Android Studio and other IntelliJ platform based IDEs which support DataGrip. Actual information can always be found on plugin home page.
Tarantool Plugin can be installed via Settings | Plugins
See the detailed instructions
After installation and restart of IDE new DB entry should be available:
You can configure your new connection via dialog window:
Plugin based on Datagrip functionality, so it supports almost all Datagrip features such as data navigation, exploring, making queries, sorting and paginating output.
For more information about DataGrip - browse official documentation.
See AUTHORS for a list of authors and contributors.
See LICENSE for a list of redistribution, modication and usage rules.