
Fast specialized XML trade parser

Primary LanguageC++

Fast specialized XML trade parser

Deprecation note

This is not a general purpose module: the parser is specialized for particular input XML format. We suggest more general luarapidxml solution.


This parser consumes equity trades in a proprietory format and turns them into Lua dictionaries. The primary feature of this parser is speed. It can do 200 MB/sec on a single CPU core.

Example input:

        <Value>Строка в UTF-8</Value>

Example output:

  "root": {
    "value1": 1,
    "value2": 1.2345,
    "value3": true,
    "value4": "Строка в UTF-8",
    "value5": 1488661200,
    "a_list": [


local parser = require('tradeparser')
local json = require('json')

local xmltext = io.open("example.xml", "r"):read("*a")

local root = parser.parse(xmltext)