
ZooKeeper client for Tarantool

Primary LanguageCBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

ZooKeeper client for Tarantool

Support level

Warning! There is no warranty for the program, to the extent permitted by applicable law This repository is maintained by the community:

  • We do not check compatibility with current versions of Tarantool
  • The Tarantool team does not process requests for support, new functionality, or bug fixes
  • Feel free to take an issue and make a merge request with a solution

Table of contents


ZooKeeper is a distributed application for managing and coordinating a large number of hosts across a cluster. It helps maintain objects like configuration information and hierarchical naming space and provides various services, such as distributed synchronization and leader election.

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Using a package manager (CentOS, Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu):

  • Add a tarantool repository.
  • Install tarantool-zookeeper package.

Using tarantoolctl rocks:

  • Install dependencies:
    • CentOS / Fedora: tarantool-devel, zookeeper-native (full list).
    • Debian / Ubuntu: tarantool-dev, libzookeeper-st-dev, libzookeeper-st2 (full list).
  • tarantoolctl rocks install zookeeper

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API reference

z = zookeeper.init(hosts, timeout, opts)

Create a ZooKeeper instance. No connection is established at this point.


  • hosts - a string of the format: host1:port1,host2:port2,.... Default is

  • timeout - recv_timeout (ZooKeeper session timeout) in seconds. Default is 30000.

  • opts - a Lua table with the following fields:

    • clientid - a Lua table of the format {client_id = <number>, passwd = <string>}. Default is nil.
    • flags - ZooKeeper init flags. Default is 0.
    • reconnect_timeout - time in seconds to wait before reconnecting. Default is 1.
    • default_acl - a default access control list (ACL) to use for all create requests. Must be a zookeeper.acl.ACLList instance. Default is zookeeper.acl.ACLS.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE.

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err = zookeeper.zerror(errorcode)

Get a string description for a ZooKeeper error code.


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Instruct ZooKeeper not to randomly choose a server from the hosts provided, but select them sequentially instead.


  • a boolean specifying whether a deterministic connection order should be enforced

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Set a ZooKeeper logging level.


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ZooKeeper instance methods


Start a ZooKeeper I/O loop. Connection is established at this stage.

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Destroy a ZooKeeper instance. After this method is called, nothing is operable and zookeeper.init() must be called again.

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Return the current ZooKeeper state as a number. Refer to the list of possible values.

Tip: to convert a number to a string name, use zookeeper.const.states_rev[<number>].

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Return true when z:state() == zookeeper.const.states.CONNECTED.

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Wait until the value of z:state() becomes CONNECTED.

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Return a Lua table of the following form:

	client_id = <number>, -- current session ID
	passwd = <string> -- password

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z:set_watcher(watcher_func, extra_context)

Set a watcher function called on every change in ZooKeeper.


  • watcher_func - a function with the following signature:

    local function global_watcher(z, type, state, path, context)
    		    'Global watcher. type = %s, state = %s, path = %s',
        print('Extra context:', json.encode(context))


    Parameter Description
    z A ZooKeeper instance
    type An event type. Refer to the list of acceptable values.
    state An event state. Refer to the list of acceptable values.
    path A path that specifies where an event occurred
    context A variable passed to z:set_watcher() as the second argument
  • extra_context - a context passed to the watcher function

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z:create(path, value, acl, flags)

Create a ZooKeeper node.


  • path - a string of the format: /path/to/node. /path/to must exist.
  • value - a string value to store in a node (may be nil). Default is nil.
  • acl (a zookeeper.acl.ACLList instance) - an ACL to use. Default is z.default_acl.
  • flags - a combination of numeric zookeeper.const.create_flags.* constants.

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Make sure that a path exists.


  • path - a path to check

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z:exists(path, watch)

Make sure that a node (including all the parent nodes) exists.


  • path - a path to check
  • watch (boolean) - specifies whether to include a path to a global watcher


  • a boolean indicating if the path exists

  • stat - node statistics of the following form:

    - cversion: 30
      mtime: 1511098164443
      pzxid: 108
      mzxid: 4
      ephemeralOwner: 0
      aversion: 0
      czxid: 4
      dataLength: 0
      numChildren: 2
      ctime: 1511098164443
      version: 0


    Parameter Description
    cversion The number of changes to the children of this node
    mtime The time in milliseconds from epoch when this node was last modified
    pzxid The zxid of the change that last modified children of this node
    mzxid The zxid of the change that last modified this node
    ephemeralOwner The session ID of the owner of this node if the node is an ephemeral node. If it is not an ephemeral node, it is zero.
    aversion The number of changes to the ACL of this node
    czxid The zxid of the change that caused this node to be created
    dataLength The length of the data field of this node
    numChildren The number of children of this node
    ctime The time in milliseconds from epoch when this node was created
    version The number of changes to the data of this node
  • a ZooKeeper return code. Refer to the list of possible API errors and client errors.

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z:delete(path, version)

Delete a node.


  • path - a path to a node to be deleted
  • version - a number specifying which version to delete. Default is -1, which is all versions.


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z:get(path, watch)

Get the value of a node.


  • path - a path to a node that holds a needed value
  • watch (boolean) - specifies whether to include a path to a global watcher


  • value - the value of a node
  • stat - node statistics
  • a ZooKeeper return code. Refer to the list of possible API errors and client errors.

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z:set(path, version)

Set the value of a node.


  • path - a path to a node to set a value on
  • version - a number specifying which version to delete. Default is -1 (create a new version).


  • a boolean indicating if the path exists
  • stat - node statistics
  • a ZooKeeper return code. Refer to the list of possible API errors and client errors.

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z:get_children(path, watch)

Get a node's children.


  • path - a path to a node to get the children of
  • watch (boolean) - specifies whether to include a path to a global watcher


  • an array of strings, each representing a node's child
  • a ZooKeeper return code. Refer to the list of possible API errors and client errors.

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z:get_children2(path, watch)

Get a node's children and statistics.


  • path - a path to a node to get the children of
  • watch (boolean) - specifies whether to include a path to a global watcher


  • an array of strings, each representing a node's child
  • stat - node statistics
  • a ZooKeeper return code. Refer to the list of possible API errors and client errors.

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Appendix 1: ZooKeeper constants

zookeeper.const also contains a <key>_rev map for each key that holds a reverse (number-to-name) mapping. For example, zookeeper.const.api_errors_rev looks like this:

Code Error

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Type Code Description
NOTWATCHING -2 Watcher is not set
SESSION -1 Watching for session-related events
CREATED 1 Watching for node creation events
DELETED 2 Watching for node deletion events
CHANGED 3 Watching for node change events
CHILD 4 Watching for child-related events

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Error Code Description
ZINVALIDSTATE -9 Invalid zhandle state
ZBADARGUMENTS -8 Invalid arguments
ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT -7 Operation timeout
ZUNIMPLEMENTED -6 Operation is unimplemented
ZMARSHALLINGERROR -5 Error while marshalling or unmarshalling data
ZCONNECTIONLOSS -4 Connection to the server has been lost
ZRUNTIMEINCONSISTENCY -2 A runtime inconsistency was found
ZSYSTEMERROR -1 System error
ZOK 0 Everything is OK

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Error Code Description
ZSESSIONMOVED -118 Session moved to another server, so the operation is ignored
ZNOTHING -117 (not an error) no server responses to process
ZCLOSING -116 ZooKeeper is closing
ZAUTHFAILED -115 Client authentication failed
ZINVALIDACL -114 Invalid ACL specified
ZINVALIDCALLBACK -113 Invalid callback specified
ZSESSIONEXPIRED -112 The session has been expired by the server
ZNOTEMPTY -111 The node has children
ZNODEEXISTS -110 The node already exists
ZNOCHILDRENFOREPHEMERALS -108 Ephemeral nodes may not have children
ZBADVERSION -103 Version conflict
ZNOAUTH -102 Not authenticated
ZNONODE -101 Node does not exist
ZAPIERROR -100 API error
ZOK 0 Everything is OK

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State Code Description
AUTH_FAILED -113 Authentication has failed
EXPIRED_SESSION -112 Session has expired
CONNECTING 1 ZooKeeper is connecting
ASSOCIATING 2 Information obtained from ZooKeeper is being associated with the connection
CONNECTED 3 ZooKeeper is connected
READONLY 5 ZooKeeper is in read-only mode, accepting only read requests
NOTCONNECTED 999 ZooKeeper is not connected

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Name Code Description
ERROR 1 Log error events that might still allow the application to continue running
WARN 2 Log potentially harmful situations
INFO 3 Log informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level
DEBUG 4 Log fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug an application

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Flag Code Description
EPHEMERAL 1 Create an ephemeral node
SEQUENCE 2 Create a sequence node

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Permission Code Description
READ 1 Can get data from a node and list its children
WRITE 2 Can set data for a node
DELETE 8 Can delete a child node
ADMIN 16 Can set permissions
ALL 31 Can do all of the above

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Copyright & License

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