
utils that help the paterns used in tarant

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Provide a set of utils that help apply some of the paterns that tarant uses.


add it to your project using npm install tarant-utils --save or yarn add tarant-utils



We recomend to use the decorator pattern to keaping separation of concerns in between the business logic of an actor and the logic that some of the resolvers and materializers require.

For example having the next actor

class AppActor extends Actor {

  constructor(name: string) {

  public addOne() : void {

   public counter = 1; 

the definition of the serialization information could be done like

class SerializationDecorator extends decorator<AppActor> {
    constructor(actor: AppActor) {

    toJson() {
        return {
            id: this.actor.id,
            type: "AppActor",
            counter: this.actor.counter

    updateFrom({ counter }: any): void {
        this.actor.counter = counter

and the mix the actor and the decorator for it to be resolved in the actor system that is registered

const DecoratedActor = decorate(AppActor, SerializationDecorator)
export default DecoratedActor