
A package of Emacs Lisp for easy-to-use multiple major mode.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp



Locate multi-mode-util.el, multi-mode+viper.el and multi-mode+evil.el somewhere in your load path.

Write the following line in your .emacs.

(require 'multi-mode-util)

Then you will be able to use functions listed bellow.

  • multi-mode-init

  • multi-mode-quit

  • multi-install-chunk-finder

  • multi-run-in-base-buffer

This package fixes the following problems in the original multi-mode.

  • Undo/redo-ing is inconsistent in multiple modes.

  • Activating mark (especially with transient-mark-mode) across the boundary between multiple modes does not work.

  • States of viper-mode get inconsistent in multiple modes.

  • States of evil-mode get inconsistent in multiple modes.

  • Fontification by font-lock-mode does not work properly.

  • A lock file is produced even if the file is not modified. (See issue #1)




Example 1

If you are editing HTML file with embedded Python code between <?python and ?>, then using the following settings provides you html-mode in HTML code and python-mode in Python code.

(require 'multi-mode-util)
(defun pytml-mode ()
  "Treat the current buffer as a pytml buffer."
   "<\\?python[\r\n\t ]" "[\r\n\t ]\\?>" 'python-mode))
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.pytml$" . pytml-mode) auto-mode-alist))

Example 2

hatena-diary-super-pre-notation in the following code enables specific major mode for certain programming language in the text between >|language| and ||<. text-mode specified to multi-mode-init is used for the rest of the text in the buffer.

(require 'multi-mode-util)
(setq hatena-diary-super-pre-languages '(java javascript lisp ruby))
(defun hatena-diary-super-pre-notation ()
  (multi-mode-init 'text-mode)
  (dolist (l hatena-diary-super-pre-languages)
    (let ((str (symbol-name l)))
      (multi-install-chunk-finder (concat "^>|" str "|$") "^||<$"
                                  (intern (concat str "-mode"))))))


multi-mode-init (&optional BASE-MODE)

This function sets the base major mode BASE-MODE for the buffer. It is equivalent to (multi-install-mode BASE-MODE nil t) and this is implicitly done by the first call of multi-install-mode for a non-base major mode. So, (unlike in the older versions) you don’t need to call this function explicitly.

multi-mode-quit ()

Quit multi-mode. All indirect buffers for non-base major modes are killed.

multi-install-chunk-finder (START-PAT END-PAT MODE)

This function installs a non-base major mode MODE. The major mode will be activated in portions of buffer between strings matching with START-PAT and END-PAT regular expressions.

multi-run-in-base-buffer (FUNC &optional TRACK-POSITION)

This function advises a function specified by symbol FUNC being called in the base major mode. Unless TRACK-POSITION is t, the cursor position will be restored after the function call.