
A simple example of bot which can parse items from incoming offers and send outgoing offer trades confirming it by 2FA code.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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What is 2FA.js?

It's script which provides you to enable mobile authentication in Steam.

How to use 2FA.js?

Be sure that you have attached mobile number for your steam accout before doing these steps (do it here). You can use one number for several accounts btw.

P.S. I really want to make a simple web-site with activation mobile auth functionality so If you have free VPS or want to become a sponsor - let me know.

Here are 4 simple steps:

1)Download 2FA.js file.

2)Install node package using npm. Just write this code in console:

npm install steamcommunity

  1. You will see the interactive part of script. Put your Steam login name/password/code from e-mail/code from SMS when you see the appropriate commands.
  1. If all was correct you're going to see "2fa finalized sucessfly". Now you have new file with your shared and identity secrets in your directory. Good job!

What is shared_secret?

Secret string using to generate one time passwords to login into Steam.

What is identity_secret?

Secret string using to generate one time passwords to accept outgoing trade offers.

What is bot.js?

It's template for your bot. The most important things which it provides for you are login to steam using new Escrow system and accept offers, using automaticly generated codes. It is not final solution for jackpot or other sites! But you can do whatever you want using this template.

Where bot gets items prices?


How to run bot.js

Don't forget to change login/password and all secrets in source! Install these node packages using npm:





