
A Flutter plugin that shows alert form top or bottom of the screen

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Edge Alert

A Flutter package that shows alert from top or bottom of the screen.

How to Use

# add this line to your dependencies
edge_alert: ^0.0.1
import 'package:edge_alert/edge_alert.dart';
EdgeAlert.show(context, title: 'Title', description: 'Description', gravity: EdgeAlert.TOP);
property description
context BuildContext (Not Null)(required)
title 'Your title goes here'
description 'Your description goes here'
icon IconData (Default: Icons.notifications)
backgroundColor Color() (Default Colors.grey)
duration EdgeAlert.LENGTH_SHORT(1 second, Default) or EdgeAlert.LENGTH_LONG(2 sec) or EdgeAlert.LENGTH_VERY_LONG(3 sec)
gravity EdgeAlert.TOP(Default) or EdgeAlert.BOTTOM





MIT License