
A simple tool to look at the sky with a PiKon Telescope (a newtonian tube).

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A simple tool to look at the sky with a PiKon Telescope (a newtonian tube).

What you will need

Getting Started

  • Ensure you have virtualenvwrapper setup and a new project is setup for you to workon.
pip install virtualenvwrapper
source `which virtualenvwrapper.sh`

This will create the folder $HOME/.virtualenvs. Then you need to create a project:

mkvirtualenv tarcioscope

Once this repo is cloned, you will need to execute

workon tarcioscope

Then upgrade packaging tools and install dependencies:

pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
pip install -r requirements.txt

To run the project, simply go from the project's root:


It will start a webserver on port 8000 binding to all IP addresses.

Note on nginx

The way I'm running this project is having the server part running on port 8000 and the client running as a SPA being served by ngnix on port 80.

What I also have is an nginx configuration that redirects every call to /api to my Python web server running on port 8000.

I found this to be the ideal setup so then I don't have to worry about CORS headers et al.


  • Fork it
  • Work on it
  • Send me a pull request