
Example on how to interact with Kubernetes via the Golang client library.


A Golang version with support for vendoring (1.5+) is required.

Kubernetes Version

This sample project includes a vendored copy of the client-go 1.4 package (and its dependencies). It uses Glide for dependency management.


go build -o client
./client <operation>

where <operation> is one of the following:

  • version: Queries the Kubernetes server version.
  • deploy: Deploys NGINX via the Deployments API and exposes a Service.

The client tries to reach the API server through which happens to match the default tunnel set up by kubectl proxy. Custom overriding settings for the API server URL, a bearer token, and the path to a CA file can be injected through the environment variables SERVER, TOKEN, and CA_FILE, respectively.

There is also a convenience script run.sh that builds on demand (or forcefully when -b is given as first parameter) and executes the client with all arguments passed along. That is, invoking

./run.sh version

will build the client iff it does not exist yet, and executes it subsequently with version passed as parameter.