
Kaggle competition, semantic similarity problem.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Kaggle competition

we have tow approaches :

  • First :

    • full fine-tuning with transformers.
    • useing best practice hyperpramters from other comptitions wthout tuning them (i like to spend more time with the second approach^^)
    • working more and more with the inputs and the data that will finetune with.
    • testing coustom loss function, pearson correlation, worked well with the first eboach only!, need more debug but the same was worked with the pytorch model.
    • working with the task as a regression task with only one label.
  • Second approach:

    • taking the last hidden state of the encoder based model ( like debarta ) then build some layears above it.
    • training the whole model with hyperpramters that were tuning well
    • using custom loss function with some tricks, pearson correlation (pearson correlation is the evaluate metric of the competition) worked better than BCEWithLogitsLoss
    • using AWP from the third eboach
    • using attention pooling and an initialization weights that worked better than the default
    • shuffle a part of the input sequence (for every example) in every traing step (the trick worked well in the cross validation score)
    • a trick for GPU limitations when working with bigger models and more long input sequnces :
      • in every batch, declare different max_len for the tokenizar based on the max input length in this batch, after sorting the df, this trick make me able to use deberta-v3-large with a long sequnce inputs and batch size = 4
    • last save the best models from every training (the best score on the validation set for every fold), then averaging them.
  • General tricks :

    • i use StratifiedGroupKFold for cross validation for two reasons, first the data was groubed by the anchor (very important note), second the data is imbalance.
    • adding related data from other sources
    • groupby(['anchor', 'context'])['target'] added to the input
  • tricks I want to implement in the comming version :

    • work more with the nn model, test add bi-lstm and test more tricks in this point.
    • save the best models from the first approach and use in the final subbmission else.
    • test different and bigger LLM anc combine the results of the best in more robust way than just averaging.
    • freaze almost all deberta layers, and almost work only with the head added part.