loads transit data in GTFS format into a MongoDB database and provides some methods to query for agencies, routes, stops, times, fares, calendars and other GTFS data. It also offers spatial queries to find nearby stops, routes and agencies and can convert stops and shapes to geoJSON format.
This library has two parts: the GTFS import script and the query methods.
The GTFS-to-HTML app uses node-gtfs
for downloading, importing and querying GTFS data. It provides a good example of how to use this library.
The GTFS-to-geojson app creates geoJSON files for transit routes for use in mapping. It uses node-gtfs
for downloading, importing and querying GTFS data. It provides a good example of how to use this library.
If you would like to use this library as a command-line utility, you can install it globally directly from npm:
npm install gtfs mongoose -g
If you are using this as a node module as part of an application, you can include it in your project's package.json
Note: Mongoose is a peer dependency of node-gtfs
, so when installing globally be sure to install mongoose as well. If you are writing a application that uses node-gtfs
as a dependency, then you'll need to include mongoose as a dependency in your project's package.json
gtfs-import [--configPath /path/to/your/custom-config.json] [--skipDelete]
const gtfs = require('gtfs');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const config = require('./config.json');
mongoose.connect(config.mongoUrl, {useNewUrlParser: true});
.then(() => {
console.log('Import Successful');
return mongoose.connection.close();
.catch(err => {
As of version 1.0.0, all node-gtfs
methods have changed to accept a query object instead of individual arguments. This allows for all fields of all GTFS files to be queried using this library. Most method names have been changed to be more general and more specific methods have been removed. For example, getRoutes
now replaces getRoutesByAgency
, getRoutesById
, getRoutesByDistance
and getRoutesByStop
// Old method with individual arguments, no longer supported in `node-gtfs` 1.0.0
gtfs.getRoutesByStop(agency_key, stop_id)
.then(routes => {
// do something with the array of `routes`
// Query in `node-gtfs` version 1.0.0
agency_key: 'caltrain',
stop_id: '123'
.then(routes => {
// do something with the array of `routes`
Additionally, as of version 0.11.0, node-gtfs
methods don't support callbacks. Use promises instead:
.then(agencies => {
// do something with the array of `agencies`
.catch(err => {
// handle errors here
Or, you use async/await:
const myAwesomeFunction = async () => {
try {
const agencies = await gtfs.getAgencies();
} catch (error) {
// handle errors here
Copy config-sample.json
to config.json
and then add your projects configuration to config.json
cp config-sample.json config.json
option | type | description |
agencies |
array | An array of GTFS files to be imported. |
mongoUrl |
string | The URL of the MongoDB database to import to. |
verbose |
boolean | Whether or not to print output to the console. |
skipDelete |
boolean | Whether or not to skip deleting existing data from the database. |
Specify the GTFS files to be imported in an agencies
array. GTFS files can be imported via a url
or a local path
Each file needs an agency_key
, a short name you create that is specific to that GTFS file. For GTFS files that contain more than one agency, you only need to list each GTFS file once in the agencies
array, not once per agency that it contains.
To find an agency's GTFS file, visit You can use the URL from the agency's website or you can use a URL generated from the API along with your API token.
- Specify a download URL:
"agencies": [
"agency_key": "county-connection",
"url": ""
- Specify a path to a zipped GTFS file:
"agencies": [
"agency_key": "myAgency",
"path": "/path/to/the/"
- Specify a path to an unzipped GTFS file:
"agencies": [
"agency_key": "myAgency",
"path": "/path/to/the/unzipped/gtfs/"
- Exclude files - if you don't want all GTFS files to be imported, you can specify an array of files to exclude.
"agencies": [
"agency_key": "myAgency",
"path": "/path/to/the/unzipped/gtfs/",
"exclude": [
- Optionally specify a proj4 projection string to correct poorly formed coordinates in the GTFS file
"agencies": [
"agency_key": "myAgency",
"path": "/path/to/the/unzipped/gtfs/",
"proj": "+proj=lcc +lat_1=46.8 +lat_0=46.8 +lon_0=0 +k_0=0.99987742 +x_0=600000 +y_0=2200000 +a=6378249.2 +b=6356515 +towgs84=-168,-60,320,0,0,0,0 +pm=paris +units=m +no_defs"
Add the MongoDB URI to config.json
with the key mongoUrl
. Running locally, you could use something like mongodb://localhost:27017/gtfs
"mongoUrl": "mongodb://localhost:27017/gtfs",
"agencies": [
"agency_key": "myAgency",
"path": "/path/to/the/unzipped/gtfs/"
If you don't want the import script to print any output to the console, you can set verbose
to false
. Defaults to true
"mongoUrl": "mongodb://localhost:27017/gtfs",
"agencies": [
"agency_key": "localAgency",
"path": ""/path/to/the/unzipped/gtfs/"
"verbose": false
If you don't want the import script to delete all existing data from the database with the same agency_key
, you can set skipDelete
to true
. Defaults to false
"mongoUrl": "mongodb://localhost:27017/gtfs",
"agencies": [
"agency_key": "localAgency",
"path": ""/path/to/the/unzipped/gtfs/"
"skipDelete": true
The gtfs-import
script reads from a JSON configuration file and imports the GTFS files specified to a MongoDB database. Read more on setting up your configuration file.
If you want to run this locally, make sure MongoDB in installed and running.
By default, it will look for a config.json
file in the project root. To specify a different path for the configuration file:
gtfs-import --configPath /path/to/your/custom-config.json
By default, the import script will delete any existing data with the same agency_key
from your database. If you don't want this to happen, pass the --skipDelete
gtfs-import --skipDelete
You can specify the path to a config file to be used by the import script.
gtfs-import --configPath /path/to/your/custom-config.json
Show all command line options
gtfs-import --help
Use gtfs.import()
in your code to run an import of a GTFS file specified in a config.json file.
const gtfs = require('gtfs');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const config = require('config.json');
mongoose.connect(config.mongoUrl, {useNewUrlParser: true});
.then(() => {
console.log('Import Successful');
return mongoose.connection.close();
.catch(err => {
Configuration can be a JSON object in your code
const gtfs = require('gtfs');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const config = {
mongoUrl: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/gtfs',
agencies: [
agency_key: 'county-connection',
url: '',
exclude: [
mongoose.connect(config.mongoUrl, {useNewUrlParser: true});
.then(() => {
console.log('Import Successful');
return mongoose.connection.close();
.catch(err => {
This library includes many methods you can use in your project to query GTFS data. These methods return promises.
Most methods accept three arguments: query
, projection
and options
. projection
and options
are optional and are passed to the mongoose find
For example, to get a list of all agencies within 5 miles of a specific point:
within: {
lat: 37.7749,
lon: -122.4194,
radius: 5
.then(agencies => {
// Do something with the array of `agencies`
.catch(err => {
// Be sure to handle errors here
By default, projection
is set to exclude mongo _id
. projection
allows specifying which fields you would like returned. For instance:
// Gets all agencies but limits results to only include `agency_name` and `agency_lang`.
gtfs.getAgencies({}, {
_id: 0,
agency_name: 1,
agency_lang: 1
.then(agencies => {
// each Agency only has `agency_name` and `agency_lang`
Mongoose allows numerous options to be set on the query. You can specify things like sort
and limit
using the options
parameter. By default, options
is set to lean: true
to return a plain javascript object.
// Gets all agencies sorted by `agency_name`
gtfs.getAgencies({}, {}, {
sort: {agency_name: 1}
.then(agencies => {
Include this library.
var gtfs = require('gtfs');
Connect to mongo via mongoose.
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
If you are running locally, your MongoDB uri might be something like:
You probably want to use the same value used in your configuration JSON file for importing GTFS.
Queries agencies and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of agencies.
// Get all agencies
.then(agencies => {
// Get all agencies within a a `radius` of the `lat`, `lon` specified.
// `radius` is optional and in miles. Default: 25 miles.
within: {
lat: 37.7749,
lon: -122.4194,
radius: 5
.then(agencies => {
// Get a specific agency
agency_key: 'caltrain'
.then(agencies => {
// Get a specific agency by `agency_name`
agency_name: 'Caltrain'
.then(agencies => {
// Get all agencies in a specific timezone, limited to just `agency_name` sorted alphabetically
agency_timezone: 'America/Los_Angeles'
}, {
_id: 0,
agency_name: 1
}, {
sort: {agency_name: 1}
.then(agencies => {
Queries routes and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of routes.
// Get all routes for an agency
agency_key: 'caltrain'
.then(routes => {
// Get a specific route
agency_key: 'caltrain',
route_id: 'Lo-16APR'
.then(routes => {
// Get a few routes
const routeIds = [
agency_key: 'caltrain',
route_id: {
$in: routeIds
.then(routes => {
// Get all routes within a radius of the `lat`, `lon` specified.
// `radius` is optional and in miles. Default: 1 mile.
within: {
lat: 37.7749,
lon: -122.4194,
radius: 5
.then(routes => {
// Get routes that serve a specific stop, sorted by `stop_name`.
agency_key: 'caltrain',
stop_id: '70011'
}, {
_id: 0
}, {
sort: {stop_name: 1}
.then(routes => {
Queries stops and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of stops.
// Get all stops for an agency
agency_key: 'caltrain'
.then(stops => {
// Get a specific stop by stop_id
agency_key: 'caltrain',
stop_id: '70011'
.then(stops => {
// Get a few stops
const stopIds = [
agency_key: 'caltrain',
stop_id: {
$in: stopIds
.then(stops => {
// Get all stops for a specific route and direction
agency_key: 'caltrain',
route_id: 'Lo-16APR',
direction_id: 1
.then(stops => {
// Get all stops within a `radius` of the `lat`, `lon` specified.
// `radius` is optional and in miles. Default: 1 mile.
within: {
lat: 37.7749,
lon: -122.4194,
radius: 5
.then(stops => {
Queries stops and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an geoJSON object of stops. All valid queries for gtfs.getStops()
work for gtfs.getStopsAsGeoJSON()
// Get all stops for an agency as geoJSON
agency_key: 'caltrain'
.then(geojson => {
// Get all stops for a specific route and direction as geoJSON
agency_key: 'caltrain',
route_id: 'Lo-16APR',
direction_id: 1
.then(geojson => {
is optional and can be a single stop_id
or an array of stop_ids
Queries stop_times
and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of stop_times
. agency_key
is required. stop_times
are sorted by stop_sequence
by default, but can be overridden by passing a sort
parameter in an options object.
// Get all stoptimes for a specific stop
agency_key: 'caltrain',
stop_id: '70011'
.then(stoptimes => {
// Get all stoptimes for a specific stop, route and direction
agency_key: 'caltrain',
stop_id: '70011',
route_id: 'Lo-16APR',
direction_id: 0
.then(stoptimes => {
// Get all stoptimes for a specific stop and service_id
agency_key: 'caltrain',
stop_id: '70011',
service_id: 'CT-16APR-Caltrain-Weekday-01'
.then(stoptimes => {
// Get all stoptimes for a route and sort by stop_id
agency_key: 'caltrain',
route_id: '10'
}, {
_id: 0
}, {
sort: {stop_id: 1}
.then(stoptimes => {
Queries trips and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of trips.
// Get trips for a specific route and direction
agency_key: 'caltrain',
route_id: 'Lo-16APR',
direction_id: 0
.then(trips => {
// Get trips for a specific route and direction limited by service_ids
const serviceIds = [
agency_key: 'caltrain',
route_id: 'Lo-16APR',
direction_id: 0,
service_id: {
$in: serviceIds
.then(trips => {
// Get only trip_ids for trips on a specific route and direction, sorted by trip_id
agency_key: 'caltrain',
route_id: 'Lo-16APR',
direction_id: 0
}, {
_id: 0,
trip_id: 1
}, {
sort: {trip_id: 1}
.then(trips => {
Queries trips and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of direction_ids. Useful to determine if a route has two directions or just one. agency_key
and route_id
are required.
// Find all directions for a specific route
agency_key: 'caltrain',
route_id: 'Lo-16APR'
.then(directions => {
// Find all directions for a specific route and service_id
agency_key: 'caltrain',
route_id: 'Lo-16APR',
service_id: 'CT-16APR-Caltrain-Sunday-02'
.then(directions => {
Example result:
route_id: 'Bu-16APR',
trip_headsign: 'SAN FRANCISCO STATION',
direction_id: 0
route_id: 'Bu-16APR',
trip_headsign: 'DIRIDON STATION',
direction_id: 1
{ route_id: 'Bu-16APR',
trip_headsign: 'TAMIEN STATION',
direction_id: 1
Queries shapes and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of shapes sorted by shape_pt_sequence
. Sort can be overridden using the sort
// Get all shapes for an agency
agency_key: 'caltrain'
.then(shapes => {
// Get all shapes for a specific route and direction
agency_key: 'caltrain',
route_id: 'Lo-16APR',
direction_id: 0
.then(shapes => {
// Get all shapes for a specific trip_id
agency_key: 'caltrain',
trip_id: '37a'
.then(shapes => {
// Get all shapes for a few trip_ids
const tripIds = [
agency_key: 'caltrain',
trip_id: {
$in: tripIds
.then(shapes => {
Queries shapes and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an geoJSON object of shapes. All valid queries for gtfs.getShapes()
work for gtfs.getShapesAsGeoJSON()
Returns geoJSON of shapes for the agency_key
// Get geoJSON of all routes in an agency
agency_key: 'caltrain'
.then(geojson => {
// Get geoJSON of a specific route in an agency
agency_key: 'caltrain',
route_id: 'Lo-16APR'
.then(geojson => {
// Get geoJSON of a specific route and direction in an agency
agency_key: 'caltrain',
route_id: 'Lo-16APR',
direction_id: 0
.then(geojson => {
Queries calendars and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of calendars.
// Get all calendars for an agency
agency_key: 'caltrain'
.then(calendars => {
// Get calendars for an agency between two dates that apply on a Tuesday
agency_key: 'caltrain',
start_date: {$lt: 20160405},
end_date: {$gte: 20160404},
tuesday: 1
.then(calendars => {
// Get calendars for an agency by service_ids
agency_key: 'caltrain',
service_id: 'CT-16APR-Caltrain-Sunday-02'
.then(calendars => {
// Get calendars for an specific route
agency_key: 'caltrain',
route_id: 'TaSj-16APR'
.then(calendars => {
// Get calendars for several routes
agency_key: 'caltrain',
route_id: {$in: ['TaSj-16APR', 'Lo-16APR']}
.then(calendars => {
Queries feed_info and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of feed_infos.
// Get feed_info for a specified agency
agency_key: 'caltrain'
.then(feedInfos => {
Queries fare_rules and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of fare_rules.
// Get fare_rules for a route
agency_key: 'caltrain',
route_id: 'Lo-16APR'
.then(fareRules => {
Queries frequencies and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of frequencies.
// Get frequencies for a specific trip
agency_key: 'caltrain',
trip_id: '1234'
.then(frequencies => {
Queries transfers and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of transfers.
// Get transfers for a specific stop_id
agency_key: 'caltrain',
from_stop_id: '1234'
.then(transfers => {
Queries stop_attributes and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of stop_attributes. These are from the non-standard stop_attributes.txt
file. See documentation and examples of this file.
// Get stop attributes for a few stops
const stopIds = [
agency_key: 'caltrain',
stop_id: {
$in: stopIds
.then(stopAttributes => {
Queries timetables and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of timetables. These are from the non-standard timetables.txt
file. See documentation and examples of this file.
// Get all timetables for an agency
agency_key: 'caltrain'
.then(timetables => {
// Get a specific timetable
agency_key: 'caltrain',
timetable_id: '1'
.then(timetables => {
Queries timetable_stop_orders and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of timetable_stop_orders. These are from the non-standard timetable_stop_order.txt
file. See documentation and examples of this file.
// Get timetable_stop_orders for a specific timetable
agency_key: 'caltrain',
timetable_id: '1'
.then(TimetableStopOrders => {
Queries timetable_pages and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of timetable_pages. These are from the non-standard timetable_pages.txt
file. See documentation and examples of this file.
// Get all timetable_pages for an agency
agency_key: 'caltrain'
.then(timetablePages => {
// Get a specific timetable_page
agency_key: 'caltrain',
timetable_page_id: '2'
.then(timetablePages => {
Pull requests are welcome, as is feedback and reporting issues.
To run tests:
npm test
To run a specific test:
NODE_ENV=test mocha ./test/mocha/gtfs.get-stoptimes.js
npm run lint