This is the buildout for plone5_buildout
- sudo apt-get install python3.8-dev python-dev build-essential
- sudo apt-get -y install gcc make build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev
- make sure you have python >= 3.6
in mac instead of sudo apt-get use 1. brew install python3.8-dev python-dev build-essential 2. brew install gcc make build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev Use this buildout =================
- $ git clone {project url}
- $ cd {project_name}
- copy buildout.cfg.example to buildout.cfg
- $ virtualenv -p python3.8 .
- $ ./bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
- $ ./bin/buildout -v
- $ ./bin/instance fg
- open in browser localhost:8080