
Private beta invitation system for django. Fork of http://code.larlet.fr/django-invitation

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

================= Django invitation

This is a fairly simple user-invitation application for Django_, designed to make allowing user signups as painless as possible with quota restrictions: you need to be invited by someone else and the number of invitations is limited by user.

.. _Django: http://www.djangoproject.com/


This application enables a common user-invitation workflow:

  1. The inviting user fills out an invitation form, entering an email address.

  2. An invitation key is created, and an invitation link is sent to the invited user's email address.

  3. The invited user clicks the invitation link, and is then able to register and begin contributing to your site.

Various methods of extending and customizing the invitation process are also provided.


In order to use django-invitation, you will need to have a functioning installation of Django 1.0 or newer; due to changes needed to stabilize Django's APIs prior to the 1.0 release, django-invitation will not work with older releases of Django.

The django-registration application is required in order to use django-invitation.

Installing from a Mercurial checkout

If you have Mercurial_ installed on your computer, you can also obtain a complete copy of django-invitation by typing::

hg clone http://code.welldev.org/django-invitation/

Inside the resulting "django-invitation" directory will be a directory named "invitation", which is the actual Python module for this application; you can symlink it from somewhere on your Python path. Using a symlink offers easy upgrades: simply running hg pull -u inside the django-invitation directory will fetch updates from the main repository and apply them to your local copy.

.. _Mercurial: http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/

Basic use

To use the invitation system with all its default settings, you'll need to do the following:

  1. Add invitation to the INSTALLED_APPS setting of your Django project.

  2. Set your django-invitation settings in your settings file.

  • INVITE_MODE - Boolean. Whether users are required to be invited before registering.
  • ACCOUNT_INVITATION_DAYS - Integer. The number of days invitation keys will remain valid after an invitation is sent.
  • INVITATIONS_PER_USER - Integer. The number of invitations that are initially allotted to each newly registered user.
  1. Add this line to your site's root URLConf before registration urls::

    (r'^accounts/', include('invitation.urls')),
  2. Run python manage.py syncdb to update your database with the django-invitation models.

  3. Override the base template or individual invitation templates (see the section on templates below for details).

  4. Link people to /accounts/invite/ so they can start inviting.

Templates used by django-invitation

The views included in django-invitation make use of several templates, which are provided by the application in a default version. To make use of these templates you are required to have


in your TEMPLATE_LOADERS settings.

To adapt the default templates to the look and structure of your site, it may be sufficient to override the "invitation/base.html" template in your project's template directory. This template should be set up to inherit your site's base template like so::

{% extends "my_base.html" %} {% block my_content_block %} {% block invitation_content %}{% endblock %} {% endblock %}

For further customization you can also override individual templates in your site's templates directory.

  • invitation/invitation_form.html displays the invitation form for users to invite contacts.

  • invitation/invitation_complete.html is displayed after the invitation email has been sent, to tell the user his contact has been emailed.

  • invitation/invitation_email_subject.txt is used for the subject of the invitation email.

  • invitation/invitation_email.txt is used for the body of the invitation email.

  • invitation/invited.html is displayed when a user attempts to register his/her account.

  • invitation/wrong_invitation_key.html is displayed when a user attempts to register his/her account with a wrong/expired key.

Additionally, the URLConf provided with django-invitation includes URL patterns for useful views in Django's built-in authentication application -- this means that a single include in your root URLConf can wire up invitation process.

How it works

Using the recommended default configuration, the URL /accounts/invite/ will map to the view invitation.views.invite, which displays an invitation form (an instance of invitation.forms.InvitationKeyForm); this form asks for an email address. It then does three things:

  1. Validates the form to be sure it has a valid email address.

  2. Creates an instance of invitation.models.InvitationKey, stores an activation key (a SHA1 hash generated from the inviting user's username plus a timestamp and a randomly-generated "salt").

  3. Sends an email to the invitee (at the supplied address) containing a link which can be clicked to register a new account.

For details on customizing this process, including use of alternate invitation form classes, read the code (or django-registration documentation).

After the activation email has been sent, invitation.views.invite issues a redirect to the URL /accounts/invite/complete/. By default, this is mapped to the direct_to_template generic view, and displays the template invitation/invitation_complete.html; this is intended to show a short message telling the user his/her contact has been emailed.

The invitation link will map to the view invitation.views.invited, which will attempt to verify the activation key. If the activation key has expired (this is controlled by the setting ACCOUNT_INVITATION_DAYS, as described above), the register page will not be reachable (see the section on maintenance below for instructions on cleaning out expired keys which have not been used).

Alternatively, you can directly redirect the user to the registration view with the registration_key argument as a GET (or POST) parameter in order to verify if this user is allowed to register.

The INVITATIONS_PER_USER setting (integer) lets you decide the initial number of invitations left per user. Each new email sent consumes one invitation. (Administrators can use the Django Admin interface to modify the number of invitations a user has.)


Inevitably, a site which uses a two-step process for user invitation -- invitation followed by accepting -- will accumulate a certain number of keys which were created but never used. These keys clutter up the database, so it's desirable to clean them out periodically. For this purpose, a Django command_, cleanupinvitation, is provided, which is suitable for use as a regular cron job.

.. _Django command: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/django-admin/#available-subcommands


This application is built on top of django-registration. You need to install this application (currently 0.7) and to resolve dependencies of this application.

If you spot a bug

Head over to this application's project page on Bitbucket_ and check the issues list_ to see if it's already been reported. If not, open a new issue and we'll do our best to respond quickly.

.. _project page on Bitbucket: http://code.welldev.org/django-invitation/ .. _the issues list: http://code.welldev.org/django-invitation/issues/