
This here Python Projects will help you establish a foothold on Python by helping you assess and obtain skills which are used to design, develop and analyze projects built in Python.

Primary LanguagePython


This here Python Projects will help you establish a foothold on Python by helping you assess and obtain skills which are used to design, develop and analyze projects built in Python.

In this problem, you are expected to write a Python program “problem1.py”. You should implement a Python function avgFirstThreeDigit() that, when a given list of 3-4 or 5 digit integers, returns the average of sum of the first three digits of each integers in the reversed order. Read data from “Integers.txt”, and put them in a list named ListIntegers. Please do not forget use semicolon as delimiter. A sample input-output is provided below: #Read data from file, do not implement list shown below. It is just a sample. ListIntegers = [18957, 30647, 4653, 1230, 168, 501, 99985, 87965, 534] output= avgFirstThreeDigit(ListIntegers) print(output) This program should output: [4, 8, 9, 2, 5, 2, 5, 3, 6]