
Web Scraping Framework

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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What is Grab?

Grab is a python web scraping framework. Grab provides a number of helpful methods to perform network requests, scrape web sites and process the scraped content:

  • Automatic cookies (session) support
  • HTTP and SOCKS proxy with/without authorization
  • Keep-Alive support
  • IDN support
  • Tools to work with web forms
  • Easy multipart file uploading
  • Flexible customization of HTTP requests
  • Automatic charset detection
  • Powerful API to extract data from DOM tree of HTML documents with XPATH queries
  • Asynchronous API to make thousands of simultaneous queries. This part of library called Spider. See list of spider fetures below.
  • Python 3 ready

Spider is a framework for writing web-site scrapers. Features:

  • Rules and conventions to organize the request/parse logic in separate blocks of codes
  • Multiple parallel network requests
  • Automatic processing of network errors (failed tasks go back to task queue)
  • You can create network requests and parse responses with Grab API (see above)
  • HTTP proxy support
  • Caching network results in permanent storage
  • Different backends for task queue (in-memory, redis, mongodb)
  • Tools to debug and collect statistics

Grab Example

import logging

from grab import Grab


g = Grab()

g.doc.set_input('login', '****')
g.doc.set_input('password', '****')


g.doc('//ul[@id="user-links"]//button[contains(@class, "signout")]').assert_exists()

home_url = g.doc('//a[contains(@class, "header-nav-link name")]/@href').text()
repo_url = home_url + '?tab=repositories'


for elem in g.doc.select('//h3[@class="repo-list-name"]/a'):
    print('%s: %s' % (elem.text(),

Grab::Spider Example

import logging

from grab.spider import Spider, Task


class ExampleSpider(Spider):
    def task_generator(self):
        for lang in 'python', 'ruby', 'perl':
            url = 'https://www.google.com/search?q=%s' % lang
            yield Task('search', url=url, lang=lang)

    def task_search(self, grab, task):
        print('%s: %s' % (task.lang,

bot = ExampleSpider(thread_number=2)


$ pip install -U grab

See details about installing Grab on different platforms here http://docs.grablib.org/en/latest/usage/installation.html

Documentation and Help

Documentation: http://docs.grablib.org/en/latest/

Mailing list (mostly russian): http://groups.google.com/group/python-grab/


To report a bug please use GitHub issue tracker: https://github.com/lorien/grab/issues

If you want to develop new feature in Grab please use issue tracker to describe what you want to do or contact me at lorien@lorien.name