- 5
Zeroize guarantee
#115 opened by deniskolodin - 2
Enforce domain separation on Schnorr signatures
#178 opened by AaronFeickert - 1
- 0
Enforce zeroizing on generic secret keys
#147 opened by AaronFeickert - 1
ComSig needs to be updated to new signature API
#159 opened by stringhandler - 1
- 1
Broken `wasm` tests on `tari`
#142 opened by AaronFeickert - 3
- 3
- 0
Add elliptic curve marker trait?
#72 opened by CjS77 - 0
Avoid heap allocations in hashing API
#113 opened by CjS77 - 1
Improve docstrings for tari crypto
#73 opened by CjS77 - 1
Create TariHash API / trait
#100 opened by hansieodendaal - 0
Generalize `Not enough Ristretto NUMS points`
#101 opened by hansieodendaal - 1
Add wasm build to run on every PR
#57 opened by stringhandler - 0
Move TariScript out of tari-crypto crate
#70 opened by CjS77 - 2
- 2
- 0
Move musig under a feature flag
#71 opened by CjS77 - 0
Source coverage script is broken
#77 opened by CjS77 - 3
- 1
- 0
- 1