
An unmodified copy of Eric Meyer's CSS reset. PostCSS, Webpack, Sass, and Less friendly.

Primary LanguageCSSThe UnlicenseUnlicense


An unmodified* copy of Eric Meyer's CSS reset.


With curl:

$ curl -O "https://unpkg.com/reset-css@3.0.0/reset.css"

With NPM:

$ npm install --save reset-css

With Yarn:

$ yarn add reset-css

With Bower:

$ bower install reset-css

Usage in Plain HTML and CSS

Copy reset.css to a directory, ideally where your CSS is.


<link rel="stylesheet" href="/your/directory/reset.css" />


@import '/your/directory/reset.css';

Usage in Build Tools and Preprocessors

PostCSS and postcss-import:

@import 'reset-css';

webpack and css-loader:

import reset from 'reset-css';


@import "./../path/to/node_modules/reset-css/reset.scss";

// or if using webpack

@import "~reset-css/reset.scss";

// or if you copied the reset.scss file to your project

@import '/your/directory/_reset';


@import "./../path/to/node_modules/reset-css/reset.scss";

// or if using webpack

@import "~reset-css/reset.scss";

// or if you copied the reset.scss file to your project

@import '/your/directory/_reset.scss';

// or you can do any of the above using the reset.css file with (inline):

@import (inline) '/your/directory/reset.css';


Two changes have been made from the 2011 version, both approved by Mr. Meyer:

  • Added main to list of HTML 5 elements (#7)
  • Added rule to fix hidden attribute on HTML 5 elements (#12)

Eric Meyer http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/

License: none (public domain)