
Rails plugin for synchronous and asynchronous execution of ruby scripts using negai gem

Primary LanguageRubyGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

= Rails-negai-plugin

Rails plugin for execution of ruby scripts using negai gem, pointing to build ruby execution environments on web
with sandbox features.

== An Overview

The plugin provides two basic models: Script and Execution.

The Script model represents the ruby scripts and contains basically the "content" string field with the
contents of the script. The Execution model represents the executions of the scripts and has a reference
to the corresponding script and the standard output of the script in the "output" field.

The scripts executed with this plugin runs in an restricted environment, a sandbox configurable that
allows the assigment of permissions by classes and methods

== Install

To install the last stable development version

  ./script/plugin install git://github.com/activescaffold/active_scaffold.git

To install a development version with the last changes, go to http://github.com/tario/rails-negai-plugin or
a old version, check the branches or tags in http://github.com/tario/rails-negai-plugin and install the plugin with the -r option, example:

  ./script/plugin install git://github.com/activescaffold/active_scaffold.git -r v0.2.0-dev

== Setup

Generate the models used by the plugin

  ./script/generate negai_migrations NegaiMigrations

Update the data base of your application

rake db:migrate

== Config

Add to your application config file ( config/enviroment.rb or config/environments/development.rb, etc...)
the default permissions to the scripts (in other way, the scripts can't do nothing).
Example (this allow the use of exception, the use of the method print and the class definitions):

  dp = Execution.default_permissions
  dp.allow_method :print
  dp.allow_method :method_added

The permissions can be assigned conforming the shikashi API (see http://tario.github.com/shikashi/doc/classes/Shikashi/Privileges.html)

== Usage

The Script model has the "run" method, this method execute the scripts with the permissions defined in the config file. For each
run an Execution is generated with the output of the script. (for more info see http://tario.github.com/rails-negai-plugin/doc)

=== Example

Typical actions in a ScriptsController:

  def create
    script = Script.new
    script.content = params[:content]

  def run
    script = Script.find(params[:id])
    execution = script.run

    @output = execution.output

=== Console testing

  negai@negai-plugin-host:~/rails_negai_plugin_test$ ./script/console
  Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.8)
  >> script = Script.new
  => #<Script id: nil, name: nil, content: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
  >> script.content = 'print "hello world\n"'
  => "print \"hello world\\n\""
  >> script.save
  => true
  >> script.run
  hello world
  => #<Execution id: 1, script_id: 1, output: "hello world\n", execution_time: nil, created_at: "2010-06-20 19:56:10", updated_at: "2010-06-20 19:56:10">
  >> script.content = "system 'ls -l'"
  => "system 'ls -l'"
  >> script.run
  SecurityError: Cannot invoke method system on object of class #<Class:#<Object:0x7fba2d3af298>>
	from /home/dario/shikashi/lib/shikashi/sandbox.rb:216:in `handle_method'

== Copying

Copyright (c) 2010 Dario Seminara, released under the GPL License (see LICENSE)