
Isochronal Map Travel Application

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Stories in Ready



  • Standard compliant React Native App Utilizing Ignite

⬆️ How to Setup

Step 1: git clone this repo:

Step 2: cd to the cloned repo:

Step 3: Install the Application with npm install

▶️ How to Run App

  1. cd to the repo
  2. Run Build for either OS
  • for iOS
    • run react-native run-ios
  • for Android
    • Run Genymotion
    • run react-native run-android

🚫 Standard Compliant

js-standard-style This project adheres to Standard. Our CI enforces this, so we suggest you enable linting to keep your project compliant during development.

To Lint on Commit

This is implemented using ghooks. There is no additional setup needed.

Bypass Lint

If you have to bypass lint for a special commit that you will come back and clean (pushing something to a branch etc.) then you can bypass git hooks with adding --no-verify to your commit command.

Understanding Linting Errors

The linting rules are from JS Standard and React-Standard. Regular JS errors can be found with descriptions here, while React errors and descriptions can be found here.

🔐 Secrets

This project uses react-native-config to expose config variables to your javascript code in React Native. You can store API keys and other sensitive information in a .env file:


and access them from React Native like so:

import Secrets from 'react-native-config'

Secrets.API_URL  // 'https://myapi.com'
Secrets.GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY  // 'abcdefgh'

The .env file is ignored by git keeping those secrets out of your repo.

📂 Related Articles

Ignite Documentation - Ignite Wiki https://github.com/infinitered/ignite/wiki

Traveller Server


Method Uri Comment
GET places/cafe Nearby Cafes
GET places/health Nearby Medical Facilities
GET places/bank Nearby Banks
GET places/transit Nearby Public Transit Locations
GET places/police Nearby Police Station
GET navitia/ Isochrone JSON Data

Redis Installation

brew install redis OR GO HERE brew services start redis - will have redis running in the background

Setup Server Environment

> git clone 
> cd server
> npm install [or] yarn install
> touch .env [Google Places API KEY goes here]
> npm start [or] npm test [or] npm run start-dev [or] npm run all

iOS Client Environment (from project root after cloning)

> cd traveller
> yarn install [or] npm install
> npm install (yarn will not install one of the dependencies)
> cd ios
> pod install
> cd ..
> react-native run-ios

Server Structure

|- server               
  |- server.js                  //Configuration for Express Server
  |- controller/                //External API Controllers
    |- placesController.js      //Google Places API Handler
    |- navitiaController.js     //Navitia API Handler
  |- node_modules/              //Server dependencies
  |- router/          
    |- placesRouter.js          //Google Places API routes
    |- navitiaRouter.js         //router for Navitia API
  |- package.json               //Dependencies for the server
  |- spec                       //Server-side tests
    |- placesAPISpec.js         //Integration Tests for Google Places API
    |- placesControllerSpec.js  //Unit tests for Google Places API
    |- navitiaControllerSpec.js //Unit tests for Navitia API                      
  |- .gitignore
|- example.env                  //follow this format to hide api keys in .env
|- .env                         //API keys live here