This Repository is concept of developing the pipeline with hive hadoop with Shell Script

All The documentation to build this application is available in following link


  1. Linux
  2. Hadoop And Hive Installation
  3. Shell Enable
  4. Azkaban Scheduler

Examples and Running Scripts

Create HQL files

    employee_id as `employe ID`,
    employee_name as `employee Name`,
    department_id as `Department ID`,
    department_name as `Department Name`,
    product_name as `Product Name`,
    sales_count as `Sales Count`,
    sales_price as `Sales Price`,
    total_sales as  `Total Sales`
WHERE dt='${dt}';

Create Shell File

set -e
# App root directory

# sourcing the log and date function from following below files
source ${app_root_dir}/func/ || { >&2 echo "${app_root_dir}/func/ function file is missing"; exit 1; }
source ${app_root_dir}/func/ || { >&2 echo "${app_root_dir}/func/ function file is missing"; exit 1; }
# Hive initialization file

# shell function for generating the sales report
function main {
    inform "[OP ] Start Generating Report";
    # Take the datetime arguments
    local _dt=
    if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
       error "Please provie date information";
       exit 1;
    elif [[ $# -eq 1 ]]; then
       error "Error occured during provide arguments";
       exit 1;

    inform "[Check ] Start checking Datetime format";

    # check the format of the date
    is_date_yyyy_mm_dd ${_dt} || {
       error "[Invalid] ${_dt} is in invalid format"
       exit 1;
    local _HOST_IP="<HiveServer2 IP>:<Running Port>/<Database Name>"
    local _HIVE_USER_NAME=<Hive User name>
    local _HIVE_PASSWORD=<Hive Password>
    # Output format [CSV2, TSV2, CSV, TSV]
    local _OUTPUT_FORMAT=csv2
    # HQL file which contains Query for generate report
    local _HQL_FILE_PATH=${app_root_dir}/dml/generate_sales_report.hql
    # Export to -> which local system folder contains the Generated Report
    local _EXPORT_TO=${app_root_dir}/reports
    # Generated File name with date (CSV formatted file)
    local _EXPORT_FILE=${_EXPORT_TO}/gen_sales_report_${_dt}.csv
   # create the sample logs for running beeline command
   inform "[CMD]  beeline -u jdbc:hive2://${_HOST_IP} \
     -n ${_HIVE_USER_NAME} \
     -p ${_HIVE_PASSWORD} \
     -i ${_hive_config_file} \
     --outputformat=csv2 \
     --verbose=false \
     --showHeader=true \
     --silent=true \
     --fastConnect=true \
     --hivevar dt=${_dt} \
     -f ${_HQL_FILE_PATH} |  sed '/^$/d' > ${_EXPORT_FILE}"

   # --outputformat = takes the output file format in file system
   # --verbose = print the logs with error and warning, takes (true,false)
   # --showHeader = Add the header row into output File
   # --silent = beeline run without create the logs into terminal
   # --fastConnect = When connecting, skip building a list of all tables 
   # and columns for tab-completion of HiveQL statements (true) 
   # or build the list (false)
   # sed '/^$/d' = Remove blank space and line from output files
   beeline -u jdbc:hive2://${_HOST_IP} \
     -n ${_HIVE_USER_NAME} \
     -p ${_HIVE_PASSWORD} \
     -i ${_hive_config_file} \
     --outputformat=csv2 \
     --verbose=false \
     --showHeader=true \
     --silent=true \
     --fastConnect=true \
     --hivevar dt=${_dt} \
     -f ${_HQL_FILE_PATH} |  sed '/^$/d' > ${_EXPORT_FILE} ||
        error "Something Went Wrong During Generating Report Please see the logs";
        exit 1;

    # Check the Date function
    inform "Report Generated Successfully.";
    inform "[OP ] END"
main "${@}"

Generating Report

# Export the _dt (datetime) enviroment variable into Shell
> export _dt=2023-10-10
# Run the following shell file below with datetime argument(_dt) 
> sh /home/hadoop/app/src/ ${_dt}

Azkaban Scheduler

Already has sample for creating the scehduler into flow folder Azkaban Scehduler file


MIT Licence