
Using the java to run the spark and generate the report into gcp storage and using for further usages for creating reports

Primary LanguageJava

JAVA App for Spark job


  1. Linux or Ubuntu
  2. Java (JVM) (< JAVA 11)
  3. Hive Hadoop or Spark
  4. (GCP) Data Proc OR ERM (AWS)

GCP Requirement

  1. gCloud Account
  2. Enable Data Proc API
  3. Install GCP CLI in development Machine

Sample Code

package org.example;

import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset;
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row;
import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode;
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession;

import static org.apache.spark.sql.functions.*;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args){

    /* Spark Session Create with master local with all cluster [*] */
    private static SparkSession getSparkSession() {
        return SparkSession.builder()

    private static void run_spark() {
       SparkSession spark = getSparkSession();
        Notes: Change the <APP_ROOT> to your development PC
        Where is application is saved
        For me
         location is "/home/hadoop/java-with-spark"
       String local_file_path = "file:///<APP_ROOT>/data/input/shopping_trends_updated.csv";
       // Load the data from csv file from data folder of the project
       // Create data frame named df by spark.read() function
        Dataset<Row> df = spark.read()
                .option("header", true)
                .option("inferSchema", true)
        // We use inferSchema true, so Spark will create schema from dataset
        // df.show() will shows the 50 data without trancating the character
        df.show(50, false);
        /* We can create the dataset to
           analysis with localtion based and gender based
           Payment method
           df.agg() --> this function will enable to accept 
                        any aggregate function to dataframe, 
                        such as sum, round, avg, min, max
           sum()    --> this function return the sum of the values of specified
                        column from the selected record
           round()  --> this function round uo the decimal places 
                        with HALF_UP round mode from selected records
           avg()    --> this function using for find the mean value of field
                        or column from the selected rows or records
           min()    --> this function will find the minimum value of field
                        or column from the selected rows or records 
           max()    --> this function will find the maximum value of field
                        or column from the selected rows or records
           count    --> this function count the the number of rows into
                        specified column, if we use grouping, it will 
                        cound the number of rows by specified column
                        with grouping
           lit -->  lit is using at spark to convert a literal value into
                    a new column
        Dataset<Row> df2 = df.groupBy("Location","Gender",  "Payment Method")
                            sum("Purchase Amount (USD)").alias("Total Purchase (USD)"),
                            round(avg("Purchase Amount (USD)"), 2).alias("Average Purchase (USD)"),
                            max("Purchase Amount (USD)").alias("Max Purchase Amount (USD)"),
                            min("Purchase Amount (USD)").alias("Min Purchase Amount (USD)"),

        /* write the result output to csv file after analysis
        repartition -->  this method is used for increase or decrease
                         the number of partition of an RDD or 
                         Dataframe of Spark
         df.write() -->  this method will provide the functionality to
                         writeout the record into file system with
                         specified format
        .mode       -->  we can specify the write ouput forma
                         such as (csv, json...)
        .option     -->  we can spcify the writing file properties
                         like header, schema, ....
        .save       -->  function which is using for save the data into
        String output_file_path="file:///<APP_ROOT>/data/output/location_gender_payment_wise_sales";
                .option("header", true)

Build the Application

> mvn --version
> mvn clean
> mvn install
> mvn package
[INFO] --- jar:3.3.0:jar (default-jar) @ location_wise_customer ---
[INFO] Building jar: <APP_ROOT>/target/location_wise_customer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Run into Local Spark Installation

> export APP_HOME=/home/hadoop/java-with-spark
> spark-submit --class org.example.Main \
 --master local \
 --deploy-mode client \
${APP_HOME}/target/location_wise_customer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \

Run into Data Proc

Create the bucket and upload app

> > gcloud storage buckets create gs://data_proc_example
> gcloud storage cp target/  \
 gs://data_proc_example/bin --recursive

run the command to execute

> export GS_BUCKET=gs://data_proc_example/bin
> export JAR_FILE=location_wise_customer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 
> gcloud dataproc jobs submit spark \
 --region us-east1 \
 --cluster data-proc-example \
 --class org.example.GCPMain \
 --jars ${GS_BUCKET}/${JAR_FILE} \