
Simple react js project, which has integration of redux. provide the simple architecture for medium level website development with react js.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Redux Integration in React JS With create-react-app


Primary Project for buinding the app with react and redux using “create-react-app” , which will helps you to understand how redux works with react js.

We need Node js V1.8.10 stable, “create-react-app” for develop the simple project with react and redux. Need some plugins related to “react js” named.

  1. React Router Dom
  2. Redux Thunk
  3. React Router Redux
  4. Redux Promise
  5. Axios

What is React Router?

React Router is the standard routing library for React. It keeps your UI sync with the URL. it has a simple API with powerful features like Lazy code Loading, dynamic route matching and Location transition handling build right in. To know about react router you can go to this link “react-router”

What is Redux Thunk?

Redux Thunk is middleware, which allows you to write action creators that return a function instead of a action. The thunk can be used to delay the dispatch of an action, or to dispatch only if a certain condition is met. To know redux thunk more about, you can go to this link “redux-thunk”.

What is React Router Dom?

React Router includes three main packages:

  1. react-router. This is the core package for the router.
  2. react-router-dom. It contains the DOM bindings for React Router. In other words, the router components for websites.
  3. react-router-native. It contains the React Native bindings for React Router. In other words, the router components for an app development environment using React Native.

What is Redux Promise?

The middleware returns a promise to the caller so that it can wait for the operation to finish before continuing. So Developer can add the .then and .catch after dispatch any action at redux.

What is React Router Redux?

You use Redux to manage your application state. You use React Router to do routing. All is good.But the two libraries don't coordinate. You want to do time travel with your application state, but React Router doesn't navigate between pages when you replay actions. It controls an important part of application state: the URL. This library helps you keep that bit of state in sync with your Redux store. We keep a copy of the current location hidden in state. When you rewind your application state with a tool like Redux DevTools, that state change is propagated to React Router so it can adjust the component tree accordingly. You can jump around in state, rewinding, replaying, and resetting as much as you'd like, and this library will ensure the two stay in sync at all times.


  1. Download git Repository git clone https://github.com/tariqulislam/react-redux-sample/
  2. then Run Command for npm install
  3. After that run command npm start or yarn start

Create the Reducer for Redux Store for Sample component

Then I have create file named home.reducer.js file at src/reducers directory at project which will contains action constraint, actions, reducer for Home Component, state for

  1. Add the action constraint to home.reducer.js which will show and hide the paragraph of home page
  1. Initialize the state of the reducer by:
const initialState = {
   showInfo: false
  1. Then add the action those action constraint.
export const showParagraphInfo = () => {
   return dispatch => { dispatch({  type: SHOW_HOME_INFO })}

export const hideParagraphInfo = () => {
   return dispatch => { dispatch({  type: HIDE_HOME_INFO })}
  1. Create the Reducer for Home Component at home.reducer.js file
export default (state= initialState, action) => {
   switch (action.type) {
       case SHOW_HOME_INFO:
           return {
               showInfo: true
       case HIDE_HOME_INFO:
           return {
               showInfo: false
           return state
  1. Then change the code at src/core/rootReducer.js file and add home.reducer for combine and resolve the home module reducer to redux store
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
import home  from '../reducers/Home/home.reducer'
const rootReducer = combineReducers({  home})
export default rootReducer

Create Home Component for Resolve Home Reducers

  1. Create Home component at src/components/Home.js file at project
  2. Import all dependency and reducer to connect with redux with Home react component
import React, {Component} from 'react'
import { push } from 'react-router-redux'
import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
  1. {Component} and React of react package help us to build the React Component.

  2. { push } of react-router-redux package help to route from one component to another component

  3. { bindActionCreators } of redux package provide the feature to mapping action with any UI event and also tigger the redux action which are declare at redux action

  4. { connect} is curry function of react-redux package, which will make connect with reducer of this component connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(<Component name>)

  5. mapStateToProps: which will map all the state between redux reducer and component

  6. mapDispatchToProps: which will map all the dispatch action with component UI’s event will take component name such as Home

Design the Home Component

class Home extends Component {
  componentWillMount () {
  render () {
      return ( 
		Home Page
  1. I have extends the React Component Class to create Home Component
  2. React Component , we need constructor , componentWillMount , componentDidMount and render function
  3. constructor: constructor() If you don't initialize state and you don't bind methods, you don't need to implement a constructor for your React component. The constructor for aReact component is called before it is mounted
  4. componentWillMount: when the props and state are set, we finally enter the realm of Life Cycle methods. The first true life cycle method called is componentWillMount(). This method is only called one time, which is before the initial render. Since this method is called before render() function., we can declare any redux action when component is loading.
  5. componentDidMount: componentDidMount() is invoked immediately after a component is mounted (inserted into the tree). Initialization that requires DOM nodes should go here. If you need to load data from a remote endpoint, this is a good place to instantiate the network request.
  6. To Render element using render() function. The render() function should be pure, meaning that it does not modify component state, it returns the same result each time it’s invoked, and it does not directly interact with the browser.

Add code for connect to redux store to Home Component end of src/components/Home.js file

const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
   showInfo: state.home.showInfo

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => bindActionCreators({
   goToAboutPage: () => push('/about-us')
}, dispatch)

export default connect(
  1. mapStateToPorps: contains showInfo redux state which create the mapping through React Component to Redux Store
  2. mapStateToProps: which will contains showParagraphInfo , hideParagraphInfo and goToAboutPage redux function, which create mapping between home.reducer with Home component
  3. Then connect function connect Home component with Redux Store.
  4. goToAboutPage1: () => push(‘/about-us’) function change the route of the component and it will effect the redux store of the home component and about component also.

Add Action and Load Home Component with Redux Store at componentWillMount and render function

componentWillMount () {

this.props.hideParagraphInfo() redux action call in componentWilMount to hide the paragraph of Home Page.

render () {
      return ( <div>
           <h1> Home Page</h1>
           {!this.props.showInfo &&   <button onClick={() => this.props.showParagraphInfo()}> Show Paragraph </button>}
           &nbsp; &nbsp;
           {this.props.showInfo && <button onClick={() => this.props.hideParagraphInfo()}>Hide Paragraph</button>}
           { this.props.showInfo && <p> this is paragraph</p>}
           <button onClick={() => this.props.goToAboutPage()}> Go To About Page</button>
  1. this.props.showParagraphInfo() redux action added in onClick event to show the paragraph
  2. !this.props.showInfo will check the redux store provide the showInfo false, it will hide Show Paragraph button and this.props.showInfo is redux store state which helps react component to shows the paragraph at Home component

Handle Ajax Request By React Redux

  1. For ajax request handling, we have to create home.async.js file at src/components/Home directory
  2. For learning purpose, we have to create function named getAllPosts which is async function to get all post from sample json web api site named https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com
  3. We are using axios package to get the data from json api.
import axios from 'axios'
export const getAllPosts = async () => {
  const getAllPosts = await axios.get(
        headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
  return getAllPosts;

Output of the Project

  1. Home Page initial load without paragraph


  1. Click Show Paragraph button output Click-Show-Paragraph

  2. About Page Output
