Dot Files Generator

Primary LanguageCSS

Dot Files Generator


DFG is a simple script for install packages and tools for a better and comfortably use of i3 wm (no gaps), and other cool stuffs.

Core Applications used

  • Window Manager: i3wm
  • StatusBar: polybar
  • Shell: zsh
  • Launcher: rofi
  • File manager: pcmanfm and ranger
  • Music Player: spotify and mpd with ncmpcpp
  • Terminal: alacritty
  • Text Editor: vim
  • Some extras


  1. clone this repo
  2. Enter on new cloned directory
  3. chmod +x ./generate.sh
  4. sh generate.sh
  5. Follow the on screen instructions


  • Helmuthdu Github for inspiration on some functions
  • Archlabs Web Web for some configurations like polybar.
  • The great community on unixporn


  • Screenshots
  • Keybindings table