Pygrunn website


This single page website is deployed to


Changes should go into a pull request that will be merged into the ‘release’ branch after approval by quora.

Setting up a development environment

To run the developer portal locally (e.g. to easily preview changes) the following steps should help you get started:

# Clone the git repository.
git clone

# Run Pelican and view the result in a web browser.
make devserver [DEVSERVER_PORT=<port>]
gnome-open  # DEVSERVER_PORT is 8000 by default

Adding speaker/talk content

The new talk tracking system splits up the speaker and talk. You can add talks in content/talks/. See an existing .rst talk file on how to use this. The talk takes an optional :priority: attribute, which is used to sort the talks.

The system will look for a speaker that is associated with the talk. Therefore you must give the speaker as slug, the system expects the speaker file (content/speakers/) to have the same name, but with .rst extension.

See some existing speakers and talks for more details.

Setting the next PyGrunn edition live

In, there is a ‘PYGRUNN_YEAR’ setting. This reflects the current PyGrunn edition, speakers list and logo’s are derived from this setting. Therefore, when starting the next PyGrunn, it’s recommended add at least one talk (else the speaker list will show a nice message telling the user there’s no talk, but it’s better to just have speakers).

Further, you must put the logo for the next year in ‘theme/pygrunn/static/images/logos/’. Give the logo (and large artwork on top of page) a name consistent with the existing files. The files must be PNGs. For reference, the logo is called “pygrunn_logo.png”, and the top artwork “top_artwork.png”.

Then, when swithing the ‘PYGRUNN_YEAR’ setting to the next year, the logo, top artwork, and speaker list are updated automatically.

Publishing changes

This repo is set up the way travis will build the static content automatically on every push to master branch, and then will push the build result to gh-pages branch, which is then served by GitHub Pages.


For personal contact outside the Github repos please email