
Project for kierrätyskeskus

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Clone project

git clone https://github.com/KierratyskeskusProject/kierratyskeskus-app

How to install


cd kierratyskeskus-app/client && yarn
cd .. && yarn     


Install SOX. SOX is required to use the audio recordings from the backend.

#Osx: Terminal
brew install sox


ImageSnap/ FSWebcam

It is required to install Imagesnap (MAC) or FSWebcam(Linux) in order to take photos trough web cam.


If you don't have Google Credentials, you can go to cloud.google.com. Go to console and enable Cloud Speech API and Cloud Vision API.

Add your Google authentication key to server/config/keys
Rename your key to googleKey.json

How to run app

From project root folder
To run server side: yarn run start
To run server in dev mode: yarn run server
To run clinet side: yarn run client
To run both: yarn run dev

Workflow with Git and Lint

Start with creating your own branch with task related name:
git checkout -b <Your branch name>

Run ESLint check and fix minor issues:
yarn run lint --fix

Add file(s):
git add <filename> || .

Commit changes:
git commit -m "Your meaningful commit message"

Push changes to git:
git push

Checkout git-cheat-sheat in root folder for more git commands

Build Status