
debugproxy - source of debugproxy.tarnbarford.net

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Very early hacking on multi session debugging proxy server.


The goal of the project is to provide hosted proxy server and a web based user interface to view and modify traffic through the proxy.

The projects is made up of several components.

  • proxyweb - server side web user interface and user management
  • proxyui - client side proxy user interface
  • proxyserver - proxy server and websocket server
  • proxyworker - authenticate proxy requests, lookup intercepts, store requests
  • proxywebsocket - websocket server for sending request details to the client
  • monitoring - tool to print 5s/60s/1h sliding window stats

The default configuration works for development when one instance of each service is started locally using the instructions below.

For deployments it's possible to run multiple proxyserver and proxyworker instances and the proxyui project can generate static assets.

Python environment

All server components run on Python 3.7. This readme assumes an isolated python environment, eg with virtualenv.

virtualenv .
source ./bin/activate

The dependencies need to installed and project setup.

pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py develop

In the nix-shell the last line doesn't work as it tries to installed to the store, this can be worked around by specifying an install directory.

python setup.py develop --install-dir ./.build/pip_packages/bin/


Postgres and redis are required, they can be run as docker container for testing and development.

docker-compose up

The default user is postgres and the password password.

Initializing the Database

The project depends on a Postgres databases called website and website-test in the default config.

createdb -U postgres website
createdb -U postgres website-test

A Python script initializes the database.

python manage.py init_db

The database can be seeded with some example data for development.

python manage.py seed_db

This creates two users:

username: admin@debubproxy.de
password: password


username: user@debugproxy.de
password: password

Users can also be created manually:

python manage.py create_user_interactive

Databases can also be dropped, if needed.

python manage.py drop_db


Running in development

Requires a sass program to be available.

python manage.py runserver

Proxyweb binds to localhost:5000.

Running in production

The example environment-specific settings are found in proxyserver/default_setting.py

export DEBUGPROXY_SETTING_FILE=/path/to/settings.py

The app should be run through gunicorn

gunicorn manage:app


The UI requires Node.js > 5 and npm. It is currently built and run from the proxyui directory:

cd proxyui
npm install
npm run

The readme in the proxyui directory contains more information about running the tests and building assets.


Run the server


Proxy a request (you create username and passwords in the web ui)

curl theage.com.au --proxy user:password@localhost:8080

Should see request appear in traffic page for this username/password session.

ssl certificates

The SSL root certificate and client certificates are generated and saved to ~/.mitmproxy when the proxyserver is first run. The client certificates can also be downloaded by visiting localhost:5000/certificates through the proxy.

To generate custom "debugproxy" SSL certificates, remove the generated mitmproxy certificates and generate new ones.

rm -rf ~/.mitmproxy


Run the server



Run the server


start using honcho

It's possible to run all the services for development using honcho.

honcho start

This doesn't start the redis and progress docker containers which are started with docker compose.

docker-compose up


There isn't many tests and sadly they currently aren't in a very good state.

Run unit tests

py.test -s tests/

Check static typing

mypy --ignore-missing-imports --disallow-untyped-defs --fast-parser .


py.test -s --cov-report term-missing --cov-config tests/.coveragerc --cov app tests/

The proxyui project also has it's own test, coverage and type checker described in the readme in the project directory.