Vocaprep aims to help English study by instantly making custom-made vocabulary notebooks (voca-note, for short) from media such as texts including webpages and ebooks or subtitles of movies (.srt, etc) before you begin reading/watching. You will feel easier after you study the custom-made voca-note generated by Vocaprep.
For example,
- From a subtitle file, Vocaprep makes a voca-note of words which appears in the movie but is probably unknow for you.
- Then, you study the voca-note and remember these word meanings.
- Finally, you watch the movie. Wow, you understand every word in the movie! (If you can listne :-P )
At this moment, Vocaprep is English-Japanese version, but every developer for other languages is really welcome.
To get levels of words and Japanese meaning, Vocaprep uses an API:
Vocaprep is written for the latest version of Ruby 2.1. (It's 2.1.2 in this article.) This instruction assumes the standard Linux with rbenv.
Update rbenv and ruby-build to the latest versions and install the latest
version of Ruby 2.1:
$ rbenv install 2.1.2
Clone the Vocaprep repository to your local:
$ git clone git@github.com:taro-k/vocaprep.git
Set ruby version to use with rbenv:
$ cd vocaprep && rbenv local 2.1.2
Make sure the version is set correctly:
$ ruby -v
ruby 2.1.2p95 (2014-05-08 revision 45877) [x86_64-linux] # may differ.
Install bundler for the version of ruby:
$ rbenv exec gem install bundler
Install gems:
$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle
For developer, put DB file for sample text (vocaprep/test.txt).
It accelerates your test run a bit although it's incompleted.
Please download the DB file from
and put it to directory db of vocaprep. (e.g. ~/vocaprep/db/dictGlobal.db)
Then, run:
$ bundle exec ruby ./vocaprep.rb
bundle exec ruby ./vocaprep.rb --path vendor/bundle
The development has just begun. We are first focusing on normal text as input file. Then, subtitle files (.srt) will be supported followed by some ebook formats.
At this moment, please set input text file as vocaprep/test.txt. More functions will come in the future.
You may wait for long time for the first time run with new input file. This is because of interval between API call.
You can set your level of vocabulary in vocaprep.rb and run again. Then, only words above your level will be shown.
Please contact via Github.com
For bugs, feature requests and other discussions:
For other purpose: