Platformer Game Demo 01

by Tarocco


To share basic examples of how to do some things in Unity in an extensible manner.

Key Features

  • Handling user input and resulting actions and behavior
  • Managing scene files in Unity using an Animator-driven Controlled State Manager and Configurator objects
  • Usage of physics collider and rigidbody components, physics materials, etc.
  • 2.5D platformer character motion controller, prefab structure, component usage and configuration
  • Shaders and custom rendering techniques used to leverage retro sprite game style while allowing mixing with 3D content
  • Build configuration management using build manager and scripts


This is a work in progress. Please expect improvements to happen over time. Right now, it is by no means perfect.


Roaring Fangs libraries belong to Roaring Fangs Entertainment

Arthur sprites belong to MakingBelieve, Cave Story developed by and property of Pixel

PixelCamera provided courtesy of ChemiKhazi (Jeiel Aranal)

PixelArtCanera provided courtesy of Alex Ocias

Salesforce icons provided courtesy of Salesforce