
Python course for begineer's

Primary LanguagePython


Python course for begineer's In this repository, I have uploaded all the exercises and projects that I have done so far from a Udemy Course (The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp) Course Link : https://www.udemy.com/the-modern-python3-bootcamp/

Course Details:

About this Course:

  • Python with Data structure, Decorators, Generators and Iterators, OOPs and much more
  • Lectures: 374
  • Video: 30 hours

The following topics are covered in this course:

-Numbers, Operators, and Comments -Variables and Strings -Boolean and Conditional Logic -Rock, Paper, Scissors -Looping in Python -Guessing Game -Lists -Lists Comprehensions -Dictionaries -Dictionary Exercises -Tuples and Sets -Functions Part I -Functions Exercises -Functions Part II -Lambdas and Built-In Functions -Debugging and Error Handling -Modules -OPTIONAL SECTION: Making HTTP Requests with Python -Object Oriented Programming -Deck Of Cards Exercise -OOP Part 2 -Iterators & Generators -Decorators -Testing With Python -File IO -Working With CSV and Pickling! -Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup -Web Scraping Project -Regular Expressions

Instructor - Colt Steele