
A collection of MERN Projects. MongoDB & Express.js & React-Redux & Node.js. Also includes NEXT.js with GraphQL.


Please check out the links below for MERN projects repos👌:

  • MERN Job Management_App - MERN (MongoDB & Express & React-Redux & Node.js) stack app that lets you manage and organize job interview process.

  • MERN_E_COMMERCE_SHOP - eCommerce platform built with the MERN (MongoDB & Express & React-Redux & Node.js) stack.

  • MERN_Ticket_Support_App_Redux_Toolkit - Ticket Support System App that use the latest Redux-Toolkit with the MERN (MongoDB & Express & React-Redux & Node.js) stack.

  • Amazon Clone MERN App - Ticket Support System App that use the latest Redux-Toolkit with the MERN (MongoDB & Express & React-Redux & Node.js) stack.

  • Next.Js_&_GraphQL - ・Nextjs ・TypeScript ・Apollo Client ・React-testing-library ・Mock Service Worker(MSW)