
📚 A collection of Jupyter notebooks for learning and experimenting with OpenVINO 👓

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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📚 OpenVINO™ Notebooks

A collection of ready-to-run Jupyter* notebooks for learning and experimenting with the OpenVINO™ Toolkit. The notebooks provide an introduction to OpenVINO basics and teach developers how to leverage our API for optimized deep learning inference. Currently we have an API reference, guides for converting/optimizing PyTorch/TensorFlow/PaddlePaddle models, and model demos. Click here to see the list of included notebooks.

⚙️ System Requirements

The notebooks run almost anywhere — your laptop, a cloud VM, or even a Docker container. The table below lists the supported operating systems and Python versions. Note: Python 3.9 is not supported yet, but it will be soon.

Supported Operating System Python Version (64-bit)
Ubuntu* 18.04 LTS, 64-bit 3.6, 3.7, 3.8
Ubuntu* 20.04 LTS, 64-bit 3.6, 3.7, 3.8
Red Hat* Enterprise Linux* 8, 64-bit 3.6, 3.8
CentOS* 7, 64-bit 3.6, 3.7, 3.8
macOS* 10.15.x versions 3.6, 3.7, 3.8
Windows 10*, 64-bit Pro, Enterprise or Education editions 3.6, 3.7, 3.8
Windows Server* 2016 or higher 3.6, 3.7, 3.8

📝 Installation Guide

OpenVINO Notebooks require Python and Git. See instructions below for your operating system:

Windows 10 Ubuntu macOS Red Hat CentOS Azure ML

Once you have installed Python and Git, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Create and Activate openvino_env Environment

Linux and macOS Commands:

python3 -m venv openvino_env
source openvino_env/bin/activate

Windows Commands:

python -m venv openvino_env

Step 2: Clone the Repository

git clone https://github.com/openvinotoolkit/openvino_notebooks.git
cd openvino_notebooks

Step 3: Install and Launch the Notebooks

Upgrade pip to the latest version. Use pip's legacy dependency resolver to avoid dependency conflicts

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m ipykernel install --user --name openvino_env

💻 Run the Notebooks

To Launch a Single Notebook

If you wish to launch only one notebook, like the Monodepth notebook, run the command below.

jupyter notebook notebooks/201-vision-monodepth/201-vision-monodepth.ipynb

To Launch all Notebooks

jupyter lab notebooks

In your browser, select a notebook from the file browser in Jupyter Lab using the left sidebar. Each tutorial is located in a subdirectory within the notebooks directory.

🧹 Cleaning Up

Shut Down Jupyter Kernel

To end your Jupyter session, press Ctrl-c. This will prompt you to Shutdown this Jupyter server (y/[n])? enter y and hit Enter.

Deactivate Virtual Environment

To deactivate your virtualenv, simply run deactivate from the terminal window where you activated openvino_env. This will deactivate your environment.

To reactivate your environment, run source openvino_env/bin/activate on Linux or openvino_env\Scripts\activate on Windows, then type jupyter lab or jupyter notebook to launch the notebooks again.

Delete Virtual Environment (Optional)

To remove your virtual environment, simply delete the openvino_env directory:

On Linux and macOS:

rm -rf openvino_env

On Windows:

rmdir /s openvino_env

Remove openvino_env Kernel from Jupyter

jupyter kernelspec remove openvino_env

⚠️ Troubleshooting

If these tips do not solve your problem, please open a discussion topic or create an issue!

  • To check some common installation problems, run python check_install.py. This script is located in the openvino_notebooks directory. Please run it after activating the openvino_env virtual environment.
  • If you get an ImportError, doublecheck that you installed the Jupyter kernel. If necessary, choose the openvinoenv kernel from the _Kernel->Change Kernel menu) in Jupyter Lab or Jupyter Notebook
  • If OpenVINO is installed globally, do not run installation commands in a terminal where setupvars.bat or setupvars.sh are sourced.
  • For Windows installation, we recommend using Command Prompt (cmd.exe), not PowerShell.

* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.